Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Training in use of the ChA-PAS and the Mini PAS-ADD - 3 & 4 December 2013, London, UK

estia2The PAS-ADD tools have become widely used assessments for mental health problems in people with intellectual disability (ID). Assessments, with distinctly different purposes, have been developed over the past 20 years, a period that has seen a growth in mental health service development and research directed towards the mental health of children and adults with LD. 

  • The Mini PAS- ADD was designed to be usable by a wide range of professionals.
  • The Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment Schedule (ChA-PAS) was developed in response to an increasing recognition of the need to improve mental health services to younger members of the LD population.
  • The ChA-PAS is designed to improve the quality of reports from informants, but in the hands of a skilled clinician it may also include responses from the child/adolescent, where appropriate. 

To book a place email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Some sources of UK-based information

The following list of organisations, initiatives and campaigns is offered for people in Australia and New Zealand wanting information about services and support in the UK. This is not intended as an exhaustive list so please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need information that does not appear here. We will help if we can. 

Advocacy - - Mental health advocacy has developed in the United Kingdom over the last twenty years as one way of challenging the discrimination faced by users and survivors of the mental health system. 

Alliance for Inclusive Education -‎ - A national network of promoting inclusive education, which can support all young people to learn, play and live with each other. 

Challenging Behaviour Foundation-‎ - wants to see children and adults with severe learning disabilities have the same life opportunities as everyone else. 

Children with Exceptional Health Care Needs -‎ - The National Managed Clinical Network (NMCN) for Children with Exceptional Healthcare Needs aims to strengthen and develop specialist services. 

Communities Empowerment Network -‎ - provides advice, support and representation following school exclusions. Our support entails education advocacy, restorative justice, reintegration... 

Contact a Family -‎ - a charity for families of disabled children. 

Council for Disabled Children -‎ - the umbrella body for the disabled children's sector. 

Disability Horizons - - a positive, interesting and useful disability related magazine with articles and resources to help disabled people achieve whatever they wish. 

DPAC -‎ - Disabled People Against Cuts, fighting for justice and human rights for all disabled people at a time of austerity and welfare cuts. 

Early Support Wales -‎ - training courses and tools. 

GIRFEC - ‎ - Getting it right for every child practice model and tools 

Grandparent to Grandparent (USA) - - PACER Center recognizes that a grandparent's life is impacted by the birth of a child with a disability. Grandparents can influence a family's adjustment as well. 

Handsel Project -‎ - working to promote effective support for the families of children who have disabilities or additional needs - with a focus on sleep deprivation. 

Impossible choices for parents of disabled children? - 

Inclusive Education -‎ - no discrimination on grounds of disability and special educational needs. 

J is for Joint Working - 

K is for Keyworking - 

Mental Health Foundation - - improving the lives of those with mental health problems or learning disabilities. Research, service development and information. 

Mental health of children with learning disabilities -

National Children's Bureau -‎ - supports children, young people and families and those who work with them. 

Parent Carer Forum -‎ - a group of parents and carers of disabled children who work with local authorities, education, health and other providers. 

Parents and professionals together -‎ - when parents and professionals work together, recognising each other's expert knowledge, informed decisions are made... 

Personal Independence Payments (PIP) - - new system supporting disabled people to lead independent and active lives. 

Personal Independence Payments - - a guide for families of disabled children. 

Postural Care -‎ - primary aim is to share high quality, evidence based information with everyone interested in protection of body shape. 

Sort breaks (AKA respite) - - Short breaks make a vital difference to disabled children and their families. 

Together for Short Lives - - for children with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions. 

Useless and harmful therapy - 

Wired Child -‎ - protecting children from wireless technology. 

Young Minds - - For children and young people's wellbeing and mental health.

J is for Joint Working – the antidote to benevolent chaos

Joint_working3There is much talk about the need for joint working in support of children who are vulnerable or who have disabilities and special needs. In the babies, children and young people who are the primary concern of Interconnections Quarterly Journal, any lack of appropriate joint working has direct consequences for the children themselves and for their families – many of whom have had to put up with uncoordinated services characterised by fragmentation and, what Penny Lacey has termed, benevolent chaos.

Such unsatisfactory service provision is benevolent because individual practitioners around the child and family are well-motivated and professional. But the overall result can be chaotic from the family's point of view when each practitioner and each service act independently of the others. 

While the call goes out repeatedly for more joint working, UK practitioners in this field only rarely cover joint working in their professional training and, when in work, might not be given guidance in what joint working is and how to do it. This alphabet piece is intended as a straightforward account of joint working in support of babies, children and young people who have disabilities and special needs. 

See the full article by Peter Limbrick here:

Barking in Worcestershire? They might be

Editorial comment: Worcestershire County Council are considering the possibility of charging children for their time in care – but it's not about money. This outrageous idea is reported in the Independent Newspaper (UK) on 14th August 2013 in a piece by James Cusick.

Quoting from the article - Elizabeth Ayre, the councillor responsible for children and families told the newspaper that 'finance was not the issue...'

I can't help wondering what the issue is in that case. What could possible inspire a council to put this suggestion up for discussion? What does an idea of this calibre say about Worcestershire County Council and their competence to care for children and families? Is it plain spitefulness? Is it revenge on children who once fell foul of their systems? Is it a last attempt to destroy the lives of young people who managed to survive their care system?

I offer space here for Ms Eyre and other councillors and any vulnerable young Worcestershire people they can muster who want to pick up the tab for their childhood.


share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011