How does Socks for Life help premature babies? Will you join in?
Preterm infants represent Europe's largest child patient group. About half a million babies are born prematurely in Europe every year – one baby in ten. And numbers continue to grow: the available data provides evidence of increasing prevalence in the last ten years. However, the risks and challenges of preterm birth for our babies and their families are still overlooked by governments in the provision of high quality healthcare and support; we should be investing more in research, preventive care, diagnostics and treatment and effective follow-up and continuing care to protect and promote the health of the smallest members of our societies.
November 17 2013 is World Prematurity Day when parents, healthcare professionals and such strong partners as WHO or UNICEF show how widespread preterm birth is and that our governments urgently need to tackle the challenges, for the welfare of the individual family but also for our society. Last year, over 60 countries participated with activities and events. Altogether, we reached an impressive 1.4 billion people around the world with this day.
Parents' organisations across Europe warmly invite you to take action though our common initiative SOCKS FOR LIFE. Through different art activities and the publication thereof, SOCKS FOR LIFE aims at raising awareness, informing the public and also reaching out to local, national and European policy makers and key-opinion leaders.
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