Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Children and the Environment – by Martin Rosenbaum - some discussion of radiation and childhood cancer

rosenb2Peter Limbrick writes: This was a forward-looking book with a chapter on the dangers of radiation (pp 46-53). Rosenbaum builds the case that children are more susceptible to environmental hazards than adults and describes how the environment created by adults damages the health and well-being of children.  Written twenty years ago, there is reference to 'some weak evidence' linking electromagnetic fields and childhood leukaemia.

A quick look at NCB's website shows no books at all when I searched under Rosenbaum, environment and radiation. It is to be hoped NCB will revisit this important issue with a publication showing current understanding of the dangers of mobile phones, wi-fi laptops, ipads, etc. to the nation's babies, young children and teenagers.

There is a great need for health and safety policies in our nurseries, schools and colleges to protect children from electromagnetic radiation and NCB could become leaders in this work.  Of course, we are all vulnerable and I wonder whether NCB, after publishing this book, has instituted health and safety policies within their own organisation to protect their workers – especially women who are pregnant or hoping to become pregnant.

Children and the Environment. Published by NCB (National Children's Bureau), 1993.

SOURCE – helping communities fight environmental pollution

source3SOURCE is a non-governmental organization that works with communities dealing with environmental pollution and health problems principally caused by extractive industries. SOURCE provides high-level technological and scientific support completely free of charge to the communities with whom it works, helping them to assess the damage to the community’s resources and enabling them to promote restorative actions.  

In addition, SOURCE also trains local leaders, called promoters, so that these can develop and promote their own environmental and social monitoring systems. Promoters are responsible for training other promoters in their region, therefore guaranteeing greater efficiency and the sustainability of the model.

Visit here.

Letter from America - a mother extremely anxious about wi-fi in schools

Diane Hickey writes: I am a Southern California mother of three and have a child in a school that is implementing one to one technology in the classroom.  It was not until I stumbled upon information regarding wireless radiation that I became aware of the extremely critical health implications of such an environment in which 30+ wireless devices, operating 6 hours/day, 180 days/year for a child's school career are emitting an unprecedented amount of radiation on our children. 

In the process, I discovered a bottomless pit of studies and information that attest to the harms of wireless radiation.

The parents do not know that they are sending their children into an environment, surrounded by a Class 2b Carcinogen, classified as such by the World Health Organization. That is the same classification as lead, DDT and engine exhaust.  In what context would a classroom filled with engine exhaust ever be okay?  

The parents do not know that medical doctors, scientists, and researchers are identifying the following wireless radiation health effects: 

  • ADHD
  • autism
  • infertility
  • DNA damage to human sperm
  • childhood leukemia
  • neurological and cardiovascular problems
  • cognitive dysfunction
  • pain
  • fatigue
  • mood disorders
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • weakness
  • skin problems. 

The question is:  What is this wireless radiation doing to the human eggs in our daughters?

Additionally, many of these health problems are not immediately evident and manifest themselves years after exposure, which makes everyone think that there are no harms from these emissions.  The parents do not know that research into wireless radiation has been going on for decades and has yielded thousands of studies indicating harm:

The parents do not know that something that they cannot see, hear, touch, smell or taste is a danger to their children.  The parents do not know the numerous websites that have cropped up addressing just the subject of wireless classrooms:

Contact Diane via

With exposure to wi-fi at school 'you may or may not deliver a healthy child'

wifibabies3'Imagine you are five years old, in school and sitting with a wi-fi laptop near your abdomen. Theoretically, your ovaries can become irradiated until you leave school at aged 16-18 years old. When you become pregnant, every one of your follicles (to become eggs) will have been microwaved. Hence, you may or may not deliver a healthy child. 

'Should you become a pregnant as a student, your embryo (for its first 100 days – if it is female) is producing approximately 400,000 follicles (within its ovaries) for future child-birth. 

'The problem is that these developing follicle cells do not have the cellular protection of mature adult cells. Consequently your 'Grandchild' may have had every single follicle cell irradiated and damaged prior to its conception. 

Therefore when your child becomes an adult (with its irradiated follicles) there is a greater likelihood of its child (your Granddaughter) suffering the ailments previously mentioned, during conception / embryonic and foetal development stages.' 

This is an extract from an article by Barrie Trower entitled 'Wi-Fi – A Thalidomide in the Making. Who Cares?' You can read and download it here.  

Peter Limbrick writes: While the article has relevance for every one of us, I offer it here as essential reading for school governors, head teachers, staff, parents and older pupils.

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011