Children with Disability Australia needs your views on education
As part of our commitment to improve education for students with disability, Children with Disability Australia (CDA) is preparing a paper for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) on the essential elements of a quality education program.
The aim of the paper is to inform the government about what schools can do to provide the best possible teaching, learning and personal development for students with disability.
CDA wants to capture the contributions that students and parents make to a quality education experience. We are interested in hearing about experiences in primary, secondary, special, government or non-government schools. It is crucial that the experience of children and young people with disability informs this paper. CDA seeks your feedback on valuable experiences in education and the challenges encountered.
CDA invites you to contribute your experience, focusing particularly on those things that have made a positive difference. Whether it is a couple of strong paragraphs or a longer piece, we welcome your contribution. What you tell us is up to you. Topics to cover could include: using an advocate, talking about the Disability Standards for Education, communication tips, school practices or even finding a good school.
Please send your contribution by 16 August, 2013.
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