Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Celebrating creativity and innovation – the Autism Professionals Awards, UK

These awards have been created to recognise and reward services and professionals who are leading the way in innovative autism practice and making a real difference to the lives of people with autism in the UK.

This year, there are 8 awards open for nomination, including 2 awards for individual professionals and 6 awards for a team of professionals . A ninth award for Autism Accreditation Excellence is reserved for schools and services who have received a formal commendation by the Autism Accreditation Service. This award is not open for nominations. 

Entering yourself or your team for an Award is a great way to gain national recognition for the excellent work you have done.

If you know a professional or a team of professionals that you think are deserving of an award, why not nominate them? 

The award winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on Tuesday 4th March 2014 in Harrogate.

Pediatricians take on toxic stress

listening2From an article by Carol Gerwin: A growing body of scientific evidence about the power of severe childhood stress to weaken brain architecture and damage lifelong health is prompting leading pediatricians to call for a seismic shift in pediatric primary care.  

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which represents 60,000 physicians, is planning a comprehensive public health strategy to identify and reduce toxic stress in their youngest patients. They see this not only as a way to improve their patients’ health across the lifespan, but also as a means of improving the nation’s health—and economy. 

Full article here.

Tens of thousands of children born after the Bhopal disaster suffer from growth problems

bhopal2The Sambhavna Trust is a charitable trust run by a group of eminent doctors, scientists, writers and social workers who have been involved with various aspects of the Union Carbide disaster ever since its occurrence in December 1984.

The Bhopal Medical Appeal supports the Sambhavna Trust which runs the Sambhavna Clinic. Sambhavna  is a Sanskrit / Hindi word which means 'possibility'. Read as 'sama' and 'bhavna' it means: 'similar feelings' or 'compassion'.

Many are unaware that the disaster in Bhopal continues to this day. An estimated 120,000–150,000 survivors of the disaster are still chronically ill. Over 25,000 have died of exposure-related illnesses and more are dying still.

Tens of thousands of children born after the disaster suffer from growth problems and many women suffer from menstrual and gynecological disorders. TB is several times more prevalent in the gas-affected population and many forms of cancers are on the rise.

In the prevailing situation of despair, the Sambhavna Trust believes in creating possibilities by generating compassion. The work carried out by the Sambhavna Trust has shown that it is possible to evolve simple, safe, effective, ethical and participatory ways of treatment monitoring and research for the survivors of Bhopal.

Provision of appropriate medical care is one of the central activities of Sambhavna. The guiding principles regarding medical care include the following:

  1. The medical care of the survivors should be based on the principle of 'First do no harm': therapy administered to patients must not compound the injuries sustained as a result of exposure.
  2. Therapies that do not contribute to the toxic load of the body are integrated into provision of medical care as far as possible.
  3. Integrated systems of therapy must be based on the specific symptom complexes presented by the survivors as opposed to attention to individual symptoms.
  4. A proper system of registration and constant monitoring of the effect of therapeutic intervention and research into the health status and efficacy of treatment must be integral to the provision of medical care.

More information here.

Israeli Ministry of Education issues guidelines to limit Wi-Fi in schools – an important step to protect children

Mast2Israel's Ministry of Education has issued a new set of guidelines which will prevent wireless networks being installed in classrooms prior to the first grade and limit the amount of Wi-Fi use between first and third grades. 

The new policy that will go into effect in August 2013 also requires that all Wi-Fi equipment be tested for compliance with safety limits before and after installation in an Israeli school ... 

Read more here.

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