ECDAN is a global platform to catalyze collective action at scale so that every young child -

is well nourished, healthy, happy, learning, and safe

From their website:

'Since ECDAN’s inception in 2016, we have helped to increase political will and public demand for investments in the early years.

'We have built an interconnected web of stakeholders committed to prioritizing young children a

Read more: ECDAN is a global platform to catalyze collective action at scale so that every young child -

How digital media affect brain development – what parents and educators should know. VIDEO

A video for parents, educators, teachers, older children and for parents' evenings

The world in which our children live has changed rapidly with smartphones, tablet PCs, PC gaming, etc.

  • What do children need for healthy brain development?
  • What are the risks of smartphones and surfing the Internet?

Read more: How digital media affect brain development – what parents and educators should know. VIDEO

The Early Child Development Taskforce welcomes new members from any country. Would you like to join?

ECDtf works to ensure that young children with developmental delays and disabilities achieve their full potential 

The Early Childhood Development Task Force (ECDtf) is a global network of leaders, practitioners, technical experts, service providers, advocates, and researchers who believe in th

Read more: The Early Child Development Taskforce welcomes new members from any country. Would you like to join?

Environmental Health Trust reveals concealed FCC cell phone tests showing human radiation exposure limits “were exceeded”

From press release at link below:

WASHINGTON, DC, April 22, 2024 — The Environmental Health Trust (EHT) revealed today that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hid test results showing that radiation exceeded federal limits when smartphones were in close proximity to the human body, such as

Read more: Environmental Health Trust reveals concealed FCC cell phone tests showing human radiation exposure limits “were exceeded”

A digital parent skills training programme for parents of children with learning disabilities - UK

Are you a parent? Do you want to help with this?

From the organisers:

'The aim of this project is to prepare for a trial of a parent support programme for parents of children with learning disabilities. To help us prepare for this trial, we want to understand what parenting/family support local auth

Read more: A digital parent skills training programme for parents of children with learning disabilities - UK

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