COFACE Families Europe adopts Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all


From COFACE website:

Over the past decade, the EU has launched a significant number of EU initiatives to safeguard families and to ensure that digital platforms and products are safe for children, such as the Better Internet for Kids Strategy, the Digital Services Act, the proposal for a Chil

Read more: COFACE Families Europe adopts Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all

Message from Birthrights - UK

establishing a national picture of home birth services

'I’m Elif, and I joined Birthrights in January as the Policy and Campaigns Manager. I believe in the power of collective action and am deeply passionate about championing the autonomy and rights of women and birthing people to make decisions abo

Read more: Message from Birthrights - UK

Open letter to UK’s Children’s Commissioners about the potential health dangers to children from smartphone and wi-fi radiation

Dear Chris Quinn in N. Ireland, Nicola Killean in Scotland, Rachel de Souza in England and Rocio Cifuentes in Wales,

Re: Health dangers to foetuses, babies and children from smartphone, laptop and tablet radiation

I hope you are well and happy. I have posted you four letters since August of this yea

Read more: Open letter to UK’s Children’s Commissioners about the potential health dangers to children from smartphone and wi-fi radiation

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