Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


The Bond consortium – licensed to promote better outcomes and new delivery in children's mental health services

bond2England: Finding appropriate help when experiencing emotional distress or mental health problems can be very confusing and intimidating. To provide a vital resource for schools, local authorities and the NHS the Department of Education is supporting a two-year sector-led programme which will build the capacity of VCSOs to deliver early intervention mental health support to children and young people called BOND – Better Outcomes, New Delivery. 

Early intervention has been shown to achieve improved outcomes for children, families and wider society such as increased learning and educational attainment, better physical health, improved long-term mental health and reduced health and social care costs. BOND will support the standard and range of early intervention delivery and the purchasing/commissioning processes. This will expand choice and provision of timely and efficient mental health services for children and young people throughout the sector. 

More information here.

Children with Special Educational Needs, including Autistic Spectrum Conditions – Supporting them through Grief

CBUK2Would you like to deepen your understanding around the specific needs of children and young people with SEN who are facing loss? Child Bereavement UK has developed a one-day workshop especially for SENCOs, LSAs, Home-School Link Workers, Counsellors and Educational Psychologists. 

'I feel better prepared and empowered to deal with pupils – this will also be hugely valuable for life outside of school - should be mandatory for all schools! An excellent day.'

- Past participant 

More information about the work of Child Bereavement UK and this workshop:

Date: Monday 18th November 2013

Location: Child Bereavement UK, Buckinghamshire

Fee: £120, including CPD certificate of attendance, light lunch and course materials. 

Contact: Any questions on how to book places - e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 01494 568909 or book online via our website

Play Therapy is now Government regulated. You can become registered by training with APAC

apacsmallThe register of Play and Creative Arts Therapists is the first and only register for therapeutic work with children to be accredited under a scheme set up in 2012 by the Department of Health and administered by an independent body, accountable to Parliament. Visit 

Visit to learn how you can become registered by training with APAC. We have 8 venues throughout the UK. 

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Tel: 01825 761143

Restorative Justice Training hosted by CEN, October, London, UK

Communities Empowerment Network (CEN) are hosting a 2-Day Restorative Justice Awareness course Monday 21st and 22nd October and a 4-Day Restorative Justice Facilitators training course (Monday 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th October ) to be held in the  Shakespeare Business Centre, 245a Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, SW9 8RR. 

Restorative Justice is '...a process whereby all the parties with a stake in a particular offence (or incident) come together to resolve collectively how to deal with the aftermath of the offence and the implications for the future' (Marshall, 1999). 

The two-day (RJ Awareness) and the four-day (RJ Facilitators) training courses are aimed at anyone who wants to either familiarise themselves with RJ principles and background as well as those who want to be able to provide RJ conferencing and includes school staff, youth workers; youth offending services; social care services; residential care; community and voluntary services; probation services; police forces; local authorities; and human resource personnel.

The course covers: 

  • Introduction to RJ
  • RJ principles,
  • Application,
  • Demonstration conference,
  • Skills, theories, emotions,
  • Introduction to script and phrases,
  • Participant preparation,
  • Skills practice 

The training is intensive, highly participatory and you will walk away with an in-depth understanding of RJ principles as well as the ability to deliver RJ conferencing in any setting if you complete the full four-day course 

Tea, coffee, cold drinks and snacks will be provided but no lunch. The venue is at the offices of CEN. 

Packages and prices: 

2 Day Cost: £95                                

4 Day Cost: £185 

Our course is being provided by Communities Empowerment Network and is registered with the Restorative Justice Council and agrees to adhere to the RJC Trainers Code, the industry-wide standard.  

We provide certification to participants on completion.

For further details and to register contact:

Deuan German
Communities Empowerment Network
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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