The tragedy behind the hospital that killed Grace. Could this happen at your local hospital?

Grace Schara, a beautiful 19 year old young girl with Down Syndrome, died on October 13, 2021

From the family’s website:

- at a COVID hospital – a hospital following the government treatment protocols that continue to fail at preventing COVID deaths. Many hospitals are committed to following what th

Read more: The tragedy behind the hospital that killed Grace. Could this happen at your local hospital?

For parents and practitioners: Can we ditch learning targets and aim for quality of life instead?

Reducing pressure on children, parents and practitioners

This short article is about babies and infants who need extra support for their development and learning. I am going to argue for consideration of children’s quality of life in the present instead of setting learning targets for the future. I

Read more: For parents and practitioners: Can we ditch learning targets and aim for quality of life instead?

DisAbility Maternity Care

a lack of specific maternity resources for women with disability

From their website:

'Women with a disability experience particular disadvantage especially in relation to reproductive health and parenting. Research has shown that many health professionals know little about providing childbearing car

Read more: DisAbility Maternity Care

Parental Alienation: The Psychology of Fractured Parent–Child Relationships by Richard A. Warshak

Parental alienation occurs when a child rejects a parent without good cause, usually under the influence of the other parent

Have your children turned against you? Do they resist spending time with you? Have they joined with your ex in treating you with contempt? If so, they may be suffering from pa

Read more: Parental Alienation: The Psychology of Fractured Parent–Child Relationships by Richard A. Warshak

Changing the landscape: A national resource to prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities

Violence against women and girls with disabilities is a prevalent, serious and preventable violation of human rights  

Changing the landscape: A national resource to prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities complements, expands on and extends, the evidence contained in C

Read more: Changing the landscape: A national resource to prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities

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