Are you struggling to get health, education and social care working together around children or adults?
This sort of integration does not come naturally. In fact, it is a hard nut to crack
This sort of integration does not come naturally. In fact, it is a hard nut to crack
This series of short essays is intended as an introduction to TAC or as a refresher course for everyone around babies and infants who need special support for their development and learning. The article can be translated for use in newsletters, networks and websites in any country
This series of short essays is intended as an introduction to TAC or as a refresher course for everyone around babies and infants who need special support for their development and learning. The article can be translated for use in newsletters, networks and websites in any country
From Lowitja Institute:
On the eve of National Reconciliation Week 2021, Lowitja Institute CEO Dr Janine Mohamed said Reconciliation Australia based its vision of reconciliation on five pillars: historical acceptance, race relations, equality and equity, institutional integrity and unity.
“At the h
It was when their eldest Humaira was diagnosed aged one as profoundly deaf that he stepped up and became more involved with her care. “We were shocked at the diagnosis,” says Miladur.
“Nobody in our family history was deaf. It took us a while to accept it.
“Then the choice was cochlear implants or
Read more: Humaira’s dedicated Dad – when she was diagnosed as profoundly deaf at one year
This series of short essays is intended as an introduction to TAC or as a refresher course for everyone around babies and infants who need special support for their development and learning. The article can be translated for use in newsletters, networks and websites in any country
This series of short essays is intended as an introduction to TAC or as a refresher course for everyone around babies and infants who need special support for their development and learning. The article can be translated for use in newsletters, networks and websites in any country
'... we are all making very slow progress in establishing effective integrated early child and family support'
In the first two parts of this essay I have suggested a top-down approach can be ineffective, whether the impetus comes from regional or national government, from chief executives in local