Team Around the Child (TAC): The small collaborative team in early childhood intervention for children and families who require ongoing multiple interventions

Peter Limbrick

...a thorough account of the TAC approach....It describes...problems for children and families...when there are ongoing multiple interventions. TAC is offered as an antidote to them and is defined as a small collaborative team of just a few people (including the parent) that can co-or

Read more: Team Around the Child (TAC): The small collaborative team in early childhood intervention for children and families who require ongoing multiple interventions

The Helping Relationship: Understanding Partnerships

Hilton Davis

In this article Professor Hilton Davis describes his Family Partnership Model. In this Model, the relationship between parents and those helping them is a partnership defined in terms of mutual participation and involvement, being parent-led, involving the expertise of both partners, with agreed aims and process, mutual respect and trust, open communication and negotiation...

Read more: The Helping Relationship: Understanding Partnerships

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