Team Around the Child (TAC) Principles. NINTH PRINCIPLE: ‘Support for a new child’s development and learning is much more an education issue than a health issue.’ Translate this article if you wish

This series of short essays is intended as an introduction to TAC or as a refresher course for everyone around babies and infants who need special support for their development and learning. The article can be translated for use in newsletters, networks and websites in any country



Read more: Team Around the Child (TAC) Principles. NINTH PRINCIPLE: ‘Support for a new child’s development and learning is much more an education issue than a health issue.’ Translate this article if you wish

Team Around the Child (TAC) Principles. SEVENTH PRINCIPLE: ‘Activities to support the child’s learning and development are integrated into the child and family’s natural activities.’ Translate this article if you wish

This series of short essays is intended as an introduction to TAC or as a refresher course for everyone around babies and infants who need special support for their development and learning. The article can be translated for use in newsletters, networks and websites in any country



Read more: Team Around the Child (TAC) Principles. SEVENTH PRINCIPLE: ‘Activities to support the child’s learning and development are integrated into the child and family’s natural activities.’ Translate this article if you wish

National Reconciliation Week

From Lowitja Institute:

On the eve of National Reconciliation Week 2021, Lowitja Institute CEO Dr Janine Mohamed said Reconciliation Australia based its vision of reconciliation on five pillars: historical acceptance, race relations, equality and equity, institutional integrity and unity.

“At the h

Read more: National Reconciliation Week

Team Around the Child (TAC) Principles. FIFTH PRINCIPLE: ‘TAC Action Plans are designed to reduce the child and family’s exhaustion and stress as much as possible.’ Translate this article if you wish

This series of short essays is intended as an introduction to TAC or as a refresher course for everyone around babies and infants who need special support for their development and learning. The article can be translated for use in newsletters, networks and websites in any country



Read more: Team Around the Child (TAC) Principles. FIFTH PRINCIPLE: ‘TAC Action Plans are designed to reduce the child and family’s exhaustion and stress as much as possible.’ Translate this article if you wish

Team Around the Child (TAC) Principles. EIGHTH PRINCIPLE: ‘For the child’s development and learning, TAC practitioners do not use the term multiple disabilities and think instead of a single unique multifaceted condition.’ Translate this article if you wi

This series of short essays is intended as an introduction to TAC or as a refresher course for everyone around babies and infants who need special support for their development and learning. The article can be translated for use in newsletters, networks and websites in any country



Read more: Team Around the Child (TAC) Principles. EIGHTH PRINCIPLE: ‘For the child’s development and learning, TAC practitioners do not use the term multiple disabilities and think instead of a single unique multifaceted condition.’ Translate this article if you wi

Team Around the Child (TAC) Principles. SIXTH PRINCIPLE: ‘It is the responsibility of parents to bring up their child. It is the responsibility of TAC practitioners to support them when they ask for help.’ Translate this article if you wish

This series of short essays is intended as an introduction to TAC or as a refresher course for everyone around babies and infants who need special support for their development and learning. The article can be translated for use in newsletters, networks and websites in any country



Read more: Team Around the Child (TAC) Principles. SIXTH PRINCIPLE: ‘It is the responsibility of parents to bring up their child. It is the responsibility of TAC practitioners to support them when they ask for help.’ Translate this article if you wish

What is the best way to promote early child and family support in a city, region or country? Part 3: I suggest a combined bottom-up and top-down approach with local forums or ‘TAC Councils’ at the grassroots

'... we are all making very slow progress in establishing effective integrated early child and family support'

In the first two parts of this essay I have suggested a top-down approach can be ineffective, whether the impetus comes from regional or national government, from chief executives in local

Read more: What is the best way to promote early child and family support in a city, region or country? Part 3: I suggest a combined bottom-up and top-down approach with local forums or ‘TAC Councils’ at the grassroots

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