Vulnerable people might depend on someone ‘blowing the whistle’ to protect them. Could you do it?

Vulnerable people might depend on someone ‘blowing the whistle’ to protect them.  Could you do it?


In the UK…we do not like vulnerable people to be abused or killed by people who are supposed to care for them, BUT WE DO NOT LIKE WHISTLE-BLOWERS EITHER

UK newspapers and media are full this week of reports of hundreds of elderly people being killed in hospital by being given lethal doses of

Read more: Vulnerable people might depend on someone ‘blowing the whistle’ to protect them. Could you do it?

Out with the old (medical) and in with the new (educational) for babies and infants who have a multifaceted condition

Out with the old (medical) and in with the new (educational) for babies and infants who have a multifaceted condition

‘How can we deliver our necessary expertise to help a baby or young child’s development and learning without all piling in separately?’


Does the cartoon excite you? It excites me because I love the idea of a small team observing a child closely and coming to a shared decision about how to he

Read more: Out with the old (medical) and in with the new (educational) for babies and infants who have a multifaceted condition

Seven good reasons for getting screens and radiation out of your Nursery. And a UK conference ‘Making Waves’

Seven good reasons for getting screens and radiation out of your Nursery. And a UK conference ‘Making Waves’

Dear Nursery Staff and Parents,

There is growing concern all around the world about the downside of all the new gadgets. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to give children a gadget-free nursery experience? Here are my seven reasons. You might have others.

- The Nursery will become a radiation-free zone for c

Read more: Seven good reasons for getting screens and radiation out of your Nursery. And a UK conference ‘Making Waves’

Children with disabilities and special needs really belong to their parents. Do service providers know this?

Children with disabilities and special needs really belong to their parents. Do service providers know this?

Editorial: I sometime wonder about this. I am sure many parents do too.

Two issues cause me concern about support for babies and young children:


The first is about asking parents how they experience the support that an agency provides for their child. The second is about involving local pare

Read more: Children with disabilities and special needs really belong to their parents. Do service providers know this?

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011