Interconnections, four UK Children’s Commissioners and electromagnetic radiation. The story so far

Interconnections, four UK Children’s Commissioners and electromagnetic radiation. The story so far

‘I have put great faith in the Children’s Commissioners as potential children’s champions to protect them from EMR dangers’


Editorial: The electromagnetic radiation (EMR) used by baby alarms, smart meters, smartphones, DECT phones and wi-fi gadgets has never come with a ‘safe-for-children-in-

Read more: Interconnections, four UK Children’s Commissioners and electromagnetic radiation. The story so far

Unhelpful confusion in early child and family support about the roles of teachers and therapists. Is the distinction between them invalid?

Unhelpful confusion in early child and family support about the roles of teachers and therapists. Is the distinction between them invalid?

‘…who is best placed to help a baby or pre-school child who has very special needs acquire understanding and skills…? A teacher? A therapist? Both? Neither?

Comment by Peter Limbrick


In my working experience with babies and pre-school children who have very special needs, I have seen much con

Read more: Unhelpful confusion in early child and family support about the roles of teachers and therapists. Is the distinction between them invalid?

‘Primary Interventionist’: The concept isn’t popular but it is good for some families and makes the best use of busy practitioners’ time

‘Primary Interventionist’: The concept isn’t popular but it is good for some families and makes the best use of busy practitioners’ time

The model is appropriate when the childdoes not have the capacity…to relate comfortably to a number of interventionists or to accept being handled by them’.


For some families who have a baby or infant with very special needs, effective support can come from just one practitioner who works d

Read more: ‘Primary Interventionist’: The concept isn’t popular but it is good for some families and makes the best use of busy practitioners’ time

Your early childhood intervention and ‘early support’ - Modern or out of date? Here is a ten-point scale for practitioners and parents

Your early childhood intervention and ‘early support’ - Modern or out of date? Here is a ten-point scale for practitioners and parents

If you score 8 or above, I would like to write about your system

Peter Limbrick writes: This follows the piece I wrote in the August TAC Bulletin under the heading, ‘If crowing white man is top of the heap, who is at the bottom? Disabled babies perhaps’


I dared to suggest that some outdated e

Read more: Your early childhood intervention and ‘early support’ - Modern or out of date? Here is a ten-point scale for practitioners and parents

Flags and barbed wire

Flags and barbed wire

This first part of the 21st century might be looked back on as a time of nations desperately trying to keep unwanted people out and, at the same time, working to get rid of people they feel do not belong


Just as there are two sides to every stretch of wire and every length of wall, so there a

Read more: Flags and barbed wire

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