Will you, in your country, be institutionalised in 2021? If so, will we need more coffins for babies?

Being institutionalised means you put the needs of yourself and your family before the rights of your clients and patients

Editorial: From Guardian website -

“Maternity scandal report calls for urgent changes in England's hospitals”

It uncovers a pattern of grim failures at Shrewsbury and Telford ho

Read more: Will you, in your country, be institutionalised in 2021? If so, will we need more coffins for babies?

Negative hospital environments: Is it appropriate to de-medicalise early child and family support? A summary so far

This support for disability and development disorders is not a medical issue

Peter Limbrick writes: In my serialised essay (starting here) I have been looking critically at the support offered when babies and young children have disabilities and special needs that will impact on their development an

Read more: Negative hospital environments: Is it appropriate to de-medicalise early child and family support? A summary so far

Euthanasia of the elderly! It is already here in England. You can get a DO NOT RESUSCITATE order against your will. Could this happen in your country?

NHS in England is compiling a national frailty index to go on elderly people’s medical records - BEWARE!

(NHS = National Health Service)

Editorial: This all has the taste of fascism. The Daily Mail on 28/11/20 cries out to wake us all up to what England’s government is doing. The brave article by Su

Read more: Euthanasia of the elderly! It is already here in England. You can get a DO NOT RESUSCITATE order against your will. Could this happen in your country?

Editorial: Science, leadership, wrong thinking, harmful vaccines and doubtful statistics in a pandemic. Two doctors and a video

'There is a rush to find a vaccine but I doubt I would feel confident to accept a vaccine for me or my family that has been so quickly produced'

In my country, and perhaps in yours, we have had a valuable lesson about science not being an absolute. This cat is out of the bag now and should stay out.

Read more: Editorial: Science, leadership, wrong thinking, harmful vaccines and doubtful statistics in a pandemic. Two doctors and a video

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011