Positive environments for early child and family support. Part 1: Hospitals are often neurotic environments and are therefore to be avoided

‘general hospitals I have experience of offer a rich daily mix of potential stressors with various degrees of mental disturbance, conflict, anxiety and fears’


In this serialised essay I want to explore positive and favourable environments for providing early child and family support wh

Read more: Positive environments for early child and family support. Part 1: Hospitals are often neurotic environments and are therefore to be avoided

Simple Stuff Works

‘We are a family run organisation with a passion for protection of body shape’

From their website:

Our award winning equipment is renowned for its simplicity, comfort and effectiveness. Winners of the British Healthcare Trades Association’s Award for the Best Established Product on the British Healt

Read more: Simple Stuff Works

Keyworkers are an essential part of a quality service for families.So why do most families not have one? Is Team Around the Child part of the solution?

The design of the TAC team leader’s role overcomes the common obstacles and negative perceptions around keyworking


It is generally acknowledged now that a multi-agency keyworker (or key worker) should be offered to each family who has a baby or young child with complex needs. This has

Read more: Keyworkers are an essential part of a quality service for families.So why do most families not have one? Is Team Around the Child part of the solution?

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