S.H.I.F.T. Guide to help the movement away from institutional care for people with disability

I fear in the UK we might be going in the reverse direction with some of our children and young people (Ed)

According to the Academic Network of European Disability Experts, institutional care continues to consume disproportionate levels of public expenditure, far outweighing that invested in commun

Read more: S.H.I.F.T. Guide to help the movement away from institutional care for people with disability

A parent speaks of her family’s journey in early childhood intervention and says some therapy sessions work well when the child is not present

A parent speaks of her family’s journey in early childhood intervention and says some therapy sessions work well when the child is not present

Denise Luscombe writes from Australia:

I thought TAC Bulletin readers might like to see this video.  It was from the ISEI Conference and I introduced a parent speaker at the Welcome Reception. Stacey was the parent and she talked about her journey in ECI (early childhood intervention).

Go to: h

Read more: A parent speaks of her family’s journey in early childhood intervention and says some therapy sessions work well when the child is not present

Caring Activism to protect vulnerable children and adults. Could you be in a caring activist team in your neighbourhood?

Where do you go for help when public services have to turn you away because of cuts in their finances and when charities can no longer help because they are struggling to survive?

If you are concerned about a vulnerable child, adult or family because they are not getting effective support, what do y

Read more: Caring Activism to protect vulnerable children and adults. Could you be in a caring activist team in your neighbourhood?

Unnatural / institutional support for infants with very special needs & their families. What is it like in your locality (on a 13-point scale)?

Unnatural / institutional support for infants with very special needs & their families. What is it like in your locality (on a 13-point scale)?

‘there can be a prevalent medical/institutional hangover that we need to become aware of and address’

Extracts from Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs:


“In the UK and some countries I know of, when a baby or young child has a multifaceted condition, the child, p

Read more: Unnatural / institutional support for infants with very special needs & their families. What is it like in your locality (on a 13-point scale)?

Negative mental states shared by parents and practitioners of babies and young children who have very special needs

Negative mental states shared by parents and practitioners of babies and young children who have very special needs

‘Then there is hope, worry and guilt. These states of mind will surely be familiar to parents of all children and to practitioners and managers’


Extract from 'Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs':

“There are many negative mental states practitioners can suffer in

Read more: Negative mental states shared by parents and practitioners of babies and young children who have very special needs

Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs. A new book for students and parents – 8 sample pages

Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs.  A new book for students and parents – 8 sample pages

"Some parents are particularly vulnerable to guilt because of the elevated level of care that is needed."

"Denial is common in both practitioners and family members."


Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs: A 21st century guide for parents, students and new practiti

Read more: Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs. A new book for students and parents – 8 sample pages

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