Telehealth Service in infant mental health home visiting – also relevant to early childhood intervention

"This is NOT business as usual."

This PDF came to TAC Bulletin from Jayne Singer, Infant Mental Health Mentor-Clinical President, MassAIMH via Donald Wertlieb:


“Our colleagues at The Alliance for the Advancement of IMH, the Michigan Association for IMH, the University of Michigan, Zero

Read more: Telehealth Service in infant mental health home visiting – also relevant to early childhood intervention

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism. Recording by Dr Robin DiAngelo

Dr Robin DiAngelo discusses how to better understand how we can engage and partner more effectively in cross-cultural dialogue, anti-racist action and change. 

Dr Robin DiAngelo’s area of research is in Whiteness Studies and Critical Discourse Analysis and she has a PhD in multicultural educati

Read more: White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism. Recording by Dr Robin DiAngelo

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