Caring Activism to protect vulnerable children and adults. Could you be in a caring activist team in your neighbourhood?

Where do you go for help when public services have to turn you away because of cuts in their finances and when charities can no longer help because they are struggling to survive?

If you are concerned about a vulnerable child, adult or family because they are not getting effective support, what do y

Read more: Caring Activism to protect vulnerable children and adults. Could you be in a caring activist team in your neighbourhood?

Limbrick’s Primary Interventionist Model for supporting families of babies and infants who have disabilities and special needs – a natural approach sensitive to children and families

Baby Megan was born into a loving family with two parents (both of whom say they had been slow learners at school) and a caring but exhausted maternal grandmother. Baby M’s diagnosis included developmental delay with probable cerebral palsy and intellectual disability. This very anxious mother had l

Read more: Limbrick’s Primary Interventionist Model for supporting families of babies and infants who have disabilities and special needs – a natural approach sensitive to children and families

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011