Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Bush Support Line 1800 805 391 - open 24 hours - Australia

The Bush Support Line (formerly called the Bush Crisis Line) is a unique, confidential, free 24-hour, nation-wide telephone service that is staffed by 8 registered psychologists who have experience working in remote and rural areas. The service offered is tailored to the individual and their situation, with the capacity for repeat callers to speak to the same psychologist.

Confidentiality for the caller is guaranteed and they can remain anonymous if they wish. Callers are not required to be CRANAplus members and the Bush Support Line is also open to the spouses and family members of Remote Health Workers. Offering practical solutions and an understanding ear, the Bush Support Line operates within ethical and professional guidelines, with skill and empathy. More here.

Abbott's experienced team in health and social services (Australia)

Prime Minister Tony Abbott confirmed the experienced team his Ministry will have in health and social services, two of the key areas influencing the wellbeing of people in rural and remote areas. Peter Dutton, as Minister for Health, will provide the continuity and experience Tony Abbott has promised in the portfolio.

With Senator Fiona Nash as Assistant Minister for Health there will be a strong rural and regional voice. Read the full NRHA statement here.

Siblings Australia - important website

Siblings Australia is a unique national organisation committed to improving the support available for siblings of children and adults with chronic conditions including disability, chronic illness and mental health issues. 

Unfortunately this group is still largely overlooked at the policy/government level and so much of our work involves advocating for more awareness and support. 

This website will allow you to access information about sibling support - services, resources, research and policy. You will be able to explore a number of relevant areas -whether you are a sibling, parent, worker or researcher.

See the latest blog here.

Amaze (Australia) Consultancy Package about ASD

Amaze are offering a Consultancy Package for schools to develop teachers' knowledge and understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder practices and strategies. This can be delivered through:

  • Professional Development attendance: tailored for individual schools' needs
  • On-site consultation: Amaze will support teachers on-site to implement the strategies learnt during the training through advice, observations, feedback and resources

We offer a flexible approach which can include:

  • Assisting teachers in the development and implementation of an Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
  • Working alongside Education Support Officers, offering guidance and modelling on useful techniques
  • Providing input into reviews
  • Training for all school staff, including lunchtime supervisors

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