Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Review of Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for people with Learning Disabilities (HoNOS-LD). Can you help?

Dr Barry Ingham writes:

"I am currently involved in an International review of the HoNOS-LD led by the RCPsych in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University and Te Puote Whakaaro Nui in New Zealand.The HoNOS-LD has been in use since its publication in 2002 without any revision of the glossary. Other versions of the HoNOS family have recently undergone review and a joint review of the HoNOS-LD has been therefore agreed between teams in England and New Zealand.  

"If you use the HoNOS-LD in your clinical practice I would be grateful if you would consider completing the survey. It can be accessed at this link. All responses are in the strictest confidence.

"This project will not necessarily lead to a new version of the tool and the intention of the review is not to make any major changes to the tool. The agreed scope is to consider minor changes to words or phrases that will make the HoNOS-LD easier to use in the field and ensure its language is appropriate to the contemporary care provision of people with Intellectual Disabilities, whilst maintaining its integrity and maintaining current core rules. Many thanks in advance."

Dr Barry Ingham, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Associate Psychological Services Director North Inpatient Clinical Business Unit: Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust, Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University, UK

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Early Intervention Foundation Guidebook: public call for programme submissions

The deadline for all expressions of interest is 28th June

The EIF Guidebook is a key tool for supporting the delivery of effective services. It provides independent information on the effectiveness and delivery of early intervention programmes.

Programmes may be added to the Guidebook once they have gone through our programme assessment process, which appraises the strength of the evidence for a programme's effectiveness, using our standards of evidence.

Following the success of last year’s open call, this year we are once again inviting any programme provider who has an intervention with evidence of improving child outcomes to submit their programme for assessment.

The deadline for all expressions of interest is 23:59, Sunday 28 June. We would welcome submissions before that date and will look at submissions as soon as they are received. 

More information here

ISAPIN network – about integration of health, education and social care around people in need. Started in April 2020. Is it for you?

This new world network is for people who are passionate about integrated support / joint working around people of any age who have special needs of some sort. The network can include:

  • people who have special needs
  • the people around them (family, friends, keyworkers, advocates)
  • professionals who provide services (in public, voluntary and private organisations)
  • academics in colleges and universities
  • people in campaigns and support groups.

In ISAPIN network:

  • we can share ideas, frustrations and aspirations
  • we can exchange information about projects and systems
  • we can tell each other about publications, reports and research
  • academics and service providers can learn from each other.

We can work together so that ISAPIN network becomes a dynamic resource and tool to promote integration in any country.

ISAPIN Resource Bank: ISAPIN resources are collected here

Do you want to join? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

New free network about integrating health, education and social care around adults and children with special needs. Will you join?

Amongst members would be some ... who are stuck and looking for ways to move forward

There is a massive challenge in joining support systems together around children and adults who have disabilities and special needs. Some need simultaneous support from two of these agencies or all three. Some also need joined-up support during transitions.


There is work to be done here by service providers and by universities and colleges:

- Service providers can work with each other to create effective multiagency and multidisciplinary interventions including referral, assessment, planning, support and review processes.

- Academics can work together across departments to create integrated elements in training courses and research projects. They can also work together to research the topic of integration.

- Academics and service providers can support each other.


I have been highlighting integration in my work over recent months and there is now a growing number of people who would welcome being part of an open network.

Membership would be open to people who work in public and voluntary agencies, academics, people in campaign groups, people in support groups and other interested people.

Amongst members would be some with experience of effective integrated working, some involved in current projects to develop integrated working and some who are stuck and looking for ways to move forward.


The initial aims of the network would be:

  • to share information about effective systems and projects
  • to share information about initiatives in colleges and universities
  • to share relevant research and publications
  • to promote academic interest in integration
  • to share information internationally
  • to help the network grow
  • to develop the network into an effective tool
  • to provide a place for service providers and academics to talk to each other


This would be an open network in which people can communicate with other members individually or with the whole membership. Each member should offer a short statement about themselves and their work.

Please e-mail me if you have questions or if you would like information about how to join the network.

Peter Limbrick
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Integration Made Possible: New book - Integration Made Possible: A practical manual for joint working. Multiagency - multidisciplinary - transdisciplinary

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011