Dr Lindsay Mizen writes: "In our service in Edinburgh (UK), we're seeing more people presenting to the learning disability service who don't speak English as a first language and therefore presenting a challenge to services in terms of confirming or diagnosing LD with English language specific assessment tools.
Occasionally we've had access to a psychologist who speaks the patient's language and can access the correct versions of assessment tools for the patient, but this is very much the exception to the rule.
More typically, formal psychological assessment is not deemed possible because of the language barrier and so OT functional skills assessments are sought to try and inform the process where possible.
I wonder whether those of you in other places where there is perhaps more of a mix of languages have any information about how services elsewhere manage this issue or could make any further suggestions?
Many thanks in advance,
Dr Lindsay Mizen
ST6+ Psychiatrist
Psychiatry of Learning Disability
South East Scotland Learning Disability Service
E-mail: MIZEN, Lindsay (NHS LOTHIAN) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.