Eating Disorders Association NZ (EDANZ)
EDANZ offers parents and carers help. EDANZ was established by parents of people with eating disorders in New Zealand and understands how challenging the illness is for the person and the family. EDANZ principles:
- Eating disorders are biologically based mental illness and fully treatable with a combination of nutritional, medical, and therapeutic supports.
- Parents do not cause eating disorders and patients do not choose eating disorders.
- Parents and caregivers can be a powerful support for a loved one's recovery from eating disorder.
- Blaming and marginalising parents in the treatment process causes harm and suffering.
- When available, patients should receive evidence-based treatment.
- Families should be supported in seeking the most appropriate treatment in the least restrictive environment possible.
- Food is medicine: all treatment should include urgent and ongoing nutritional rehabiliation.
- When the family is supported, the patient is supported.
- Siblings and all family members are affected by the a family member's illness, and deserve full attention to their needs.
- Parents have unique abilities to offer other parents support, information, and the wisdom of experience.
More information here.