Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Siblings Australia - update and serious call for help


A 'call to arms' - Kate Strohm writes: Please read my latest blog on the future of Siblings Australia. Some of you have already joined the Australian Sibling Advocacy Network, but please spread to your networks. I will be in touch with the Network very shortly.

Sibworks - a new print run: Late last year we had more of the Sibworks resources printed. Not only is there a manual with everything you need to know to run a peer support program but there are fun booklets for the children as well. Designed for sibs 8-12 years, there are also sections with ideas for younger children and teen sibs. You can order now via the website

DVD Stronger Siblings: The Siblings Australia DVD is still available to order via the website
It includes a set of discussion notes for providers to use with groups of parents. You can watch a short preview of the DVD here



PMLD Editors write: This year PMLD Link celebrates 25 years of publication.  What began as an informal newsletter sent to participants on a course for teachers so that they could keep in touch, share ideas and good practice has grown into a journal sent out to parents, carers and practitioners in all services across the UK and indeed with readers across the world. 

Originally a free newsletter, it became so much in demand that subscriptions had to be introduced.  Then an editorial board was formed to help generate articles and advise on production.  This led to further developments including professional management of production, becoming a Charity and finally, the creation of a website where most of the back issues are available to subscribers. 

PMLD Link has remained independent but has benefited from grants and expertise given by some larger organisations.  This has allowed it to continue in publication and to keep subscriptions low to reach as many people as possible, whatever their role.  We feel certain that this has helped to ensure that the articles cover such diverse topics and are relevant to people's daily lives and work.  

Throughout, the priorities have remained the same: to help people caring for and working with people with PMLD by supporting and disseminating good practice; enabling readers to share experiences, and to provide a forum for subscribers to contact other people in similar situations.  Our aim now, for PMLD LINK to reach even more people who strive in the interests of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Here's to the next 25 years!


People's Assembly Against Austerity march – London, UK in June 2013

Owen Jones of the Independent Newspaper writes: The aim of the Assembly is to unite all opponents of the horror show being inflicted on this country. On 22 June, there will be a 3,500-strong meeting at Westminster Central Hall, but in the meantime, I and others will be touring the country, encouraging local groups to be set up in every town and city. 

Read more here:

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011