Siblings Australia - update and serious call for help
A 'call to arms' - Kate Strohm writes: Please read my latest blog on the future of Siblings Australia. Some of you have already joined the Australian Sibling Advocacy Network, but please spread to your networks. I will be in touch with the Network very shortly.
Sibworks - a new print run: Late last year we had more of the Sibworks resources printed. Not only is there a manual with everything you need to know to run a peer support program but there are fun booklets for the children as well. Designed for sibs 8-12 years, there are also sections with ideas for younger children and teen sibs. You can order now via the website
DVD Stronger Siblings: The Siblings Australia DVD is still available to order via the website
It includes a set of discussion notes for providers to use with groups of parents. You can watch a short preview of the DVD here