Editorial: All-Party Parliamentary Group for Children Discusses Integrated Care (UK). Are you yawning already? Part 2

'important and well-paid mouths are flapping but I doubt any usable wind is being generated'

The optimistic thought behind this limp initiative is that there is some magical process by which directives from well-paid people at the top of government, statutory services and charities will directly inf

Read more: Editorial: All-Party Parliamentary Group for Children Discusses Integrated Care (UK). Are you yawning already? Part 2

A new child’s significant impairments are only half the story for a family. Here is a letter to parents (and hoping practitioners will read it too)

- you have a chance to get to know your baby and carry on with everyday life without too many people getting in the way -

Editorial comment

Of course, the baby or infant needs all available support to help her or him survive, to stay as healthy as possible, to remain pain free and to have the best p

Read more: A new child’s significant impairments are only half the story for a family. Here is a letter to parents (and hoping practitioners will read it too)

Editorial: All-Party Parliamentary Group for Children Discusses Integrated Care (UK). Are you yawning already?

This discussion is reported in CDC Digest page 15.

Integrated care around babies and infants who need extra support for their development and learning is my dream, and has been for a few decades now. It is not difficult to achieve once the practitioners supporting a child and family have the will to

Read more: Editorial: All-Party Parliamentary Group for Children Discusses Integrated Care (UK). Are you yawning already?

Interconnections argues children’s visits to hospital for therapy should be reduced as much as possible. Why is that?

Paediatric therapy is a strange phenomenon that I have never seen a good definition of

Editorial: First of all, I am thinking about babies and pre-school children who have sensory and/or physical impairments that have a negative impact on their development and learning. Some of these children will h

Read more: Interconnections argues children’s visits to hospital for therapy should be reduced as much as possible. Why is that?

Principles of international early child and family support – do they fit your situation? How would you modify them?

‘Action plans...are designed to reduce the child and family’s exhaustion and stress as much as possible’

Peter Limbrick writes: I hope that one day soon there will be an early child and family support system in every part of every country for families whose baby or infant has significant challenges

Read more: Principles of international early child and family support – do they fit your situation? How would you modify them?

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