Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


"Valuing the Views of Children with a Learning Disability" a new report by Challenging Behaviour Foundation and Mencap (UK)

valuingJacqui Shurlock writes: Children and young people are all able to tell us what they think and feel in many ways. 

A new report, "Valuing the Views of Children with a Learning Disability", has been produced by the Challenging Behaviour Foundation and Mencap and can be found on the Paving the Way website here.

The report gives examples of how organisations have actively sought and responded to the views of children with severe or profound and multiple learning disabilities in ways that other people can replicate. 

It tackles misconceptions, signposts further useful information and is aimed at anyone involved in supporting children or young people with learning disabilities including schools, CAMHS and short breaks. 

It will be of interest to those consulting young people in order to shape future services (including commissioners in SEND and Transforming Care Partnerships.)  Please forward on to your networks and let people know via social media.

We hope you will find the report useful.

Best wishes,

Jacqui Shurlock

Children and Young Person Lead

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

Tel: 07436 102778

Support for TAC Bulletin

The international TAC Bulletin is published once or twice each month. It is a free service for readers. Your help is appreciated in keeping it afloat. If you value this information service and want to make a gift, please use the following link: you need a receipt, please also send me an e-mail.


Thank you.

Peter Limbrick

(Interconnections is not a charity or a registered company. I am registered as a 'sole trader' for UK tax purposes.)

What is epigenetics?

From Encyclopedia of Child Development website: In recent years, a lot of new information has emerged on epigenetics that allows us to better understand how developmental trajectories can be either adaptive or maladaptive.

Experiences and environmental exposures act on genes like a dimmer switch to increase or decrease gene expression, the amount of gene product (RNA, protein) that a gene makes in response to a given environment. This is thought to regulate the neurodevelopment that underlies learning, behaviour as well as mental and physical health.


New videos by What? Why? Children in Hospital (WWCIH) help children and parents prepare for hospital – world relevance

  Parents said the recent video about learning disabilities by WWCIH is

‘really helpful, recognisable and empowering’

This video helps children with learning disabilities and their parents with information, which can help to reduce anxiety around hospital visits:

The charity also has a range of videos showing children going for procedures such as EEG, MRI, CT, ECG, Echo, Breathing tests, Sleep Studies and Hearing Tests:

A number of hospitals across the UK now include the links to these videos in their appointment letters

For more information contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011