Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


49. Related link: War Child & Street Children

Why do children end up on the streets?Children end up on the streets for a mixture of reasons, though poverty is usually at the heart of the problem. In the countries where we work, conflict and poverty combine to force children onto the streets. In many cases a child's family can no longer afford to care for them properly or may need their help to supplement the family income and help put food on the table.

Or it could be that a child's parents have been killed by conflict or HIV/AIDS, or they may have become separated when they were forced to flee their homes. In parts of Congo and Uganda, families and communities sometimes accuse children of being witches and for bringing bad luck upon them.

In Afghanistan girls may end up on the streets after they have been forced to leave home for committing 'honour crimes' like adultery (i.e. being raped or sexually abused) or refusing an arranged marriage. Boys may end up on the street to help support their parent's opium addiction.

Some children spend the daytime on the streets (to beg or to work) but return to their families at night. For others, the streets are their home and they have nowhere else to go.

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The Association of Deaf Education Professionals and Trainees (adept) is a brand new organization (UK)

Working to improve the services in educational settings for deaf people of all ages, adept has merged the two former separate organisations NATED (National Association for Tertiary Education for Deaf people) and ACSW (Association of Communication Support Workers) that have worked closely together in recent years including their joint annual conferences since 2010.

adept is a member-led organisation aiming to enable deaf learners access to quality support provision in their chosen courses and in their preferred communication mode, with appropriately qualified staff and fair assessment procedures. It promotes equality for deaf learners by monitoring developments and attitudes and by liaising with other professional associations and governmental bodies regarding legislation, policy and procedures.

More information:

Family troubles? Exploring changes and challenges in the family lives of children and young people – publication (UK)

Author/Editor(s): Jane Ribbens McCarthy, Carol-Ann Hooper and Val Gillies. The publishers say: As the everyday family lives of children and young people come to be increasingly defined as matters of public policy and concern, it is important to raise the question of how we can understand the contested terrain between 'normal' family troubles and troubled and troubling families.

In this important, timely and thought-provoking publication, a wide range of contributors explore how 'troubles' feature in 'normal' families, and how the 'normal' features in 'troubled' families. Drawing on research on a wide range of substantive topics including:

  • infant care
  • sibling conflict
  • divorce
  • disability
  • illness
  • migration and asylum-seeking
  • substance misuse
  • violence
  • kinship care
  • and forced marriage

- the contributors aim to promote dialogue between researchers addressing mainstream family change and diversity in everyday lives, and those specialising in specific problems which prompt professional interventions.

In tackling these contentious and difficult issues across a variety of topics, the book addresses a wide audience, including policy makers, service users and practitioners, as well as family studies scholars more generally who are interested in issues of family change.

More info and 20% discount on the Policy Press website.

Podcast  for a presentation of the book.

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