Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Pathways to resilience in families of children in palliative care - publication

By Rise Shemilt. Having a child in palliative care does not affect the child patient alone, but rather 'the reality is that the whole family is living with the uncertainty of a life-threatening condition'. Listening to families gives a really good insight into the supports that help families cope.

Building resilience is a unique process for each family and there many different ways that it can be achieved.

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Grow and Learn Together – a series of videos from Australia with international application

Raising Children Network: In the early years of child development, your child's main way of learning and developing is through play – exploring, observing and experimenting. Time spent playing with your child sends a simple message – you are important to me.

Grow and Learn Together takes you through key child development stages on video, with fun play ideas to boost your child's learning at every age:

  • 0-6 months
  • 6-12 months
  • 1-2 years
  • 2-3 years
  • 3-5 years
  • 5-6 years
  • 6-8 years.

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Working Together with Parents Network (WTPN) - new website and blog

England: WTPN supports professionals working with parents with learning difficulties and learning disabilities and their children. Promoting the welfare of these children is paramount to all organisations and individuals within the network. WTPN:

  • Provides a UK-wide network for professionals sharing positive practice including four regional groups in England and country-wide networks in Scotland and Wales
  • Seeks to engage with key stakeholders from social care, health and children's sectors to work towards a common vision and joint ways of working.

Whilst our network in England is for professionals, we take advice from parents with learning difficulties. This ensures that the parents' views are central to our philosophy and outputs.

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Online Graduate Programs: Applied Behavior Analysis and Special Education

US: Ball State University's master's degree program in applied behavior analysis, with an emphasis in autism, is one of the nation's largest programs in terms of enrolment.

It's preparing educators, psychologists, ABA therapists, and other human service professionals with the skills needed to work with children and adults who struggle with autism and other developmental disabilities.

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share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011