Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Call for Papers: 2015 Autism Society National Conference in Denver, USA

150px-Flag_of_Denver_Colorado.svgThe Autism Society is accepting proposals for its 46th Autism Society National Conference and Exposition being held on Wednesday July 08-11, 2015 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado.

The Conference will feature world-renowned keynote speakers, over 100 presenters from around the globe, and many networking opportunities for all.

Submissions should include high quality proposals and how-to strategies and evidence-based research as often as possible, addressing a full range of issues facing individuals living with autism and their families.

Of particular interest are sessions with the following content: DSM-5; self-advocacy; friendships and social relationships; advocacy and systems change; aging; positive behavior support; and much more.

The Autism Society encourages presenters of all backgrounds to apply.

Deadline: January 18, 2015.


An International Forum on Health Inequality, May 2015, Athens, Greece – CALL FOR PAPERS

acropolisDeadline to submit abstracts: 5 January 2015. Decisions are reached in less than 4 weeks after the abstract submission.

Please click here: for our policy on abstract and paper acceptance.

Please submit your paper via email only and only to this email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


IMiA 2015 – International Medicine in Addiction conference 2015 – Melbourne, Australia, March 2015

imiaIMiA15 provides a great opportunity for delegates to hear from local and international leading addiction clinicians and researchers, update their skills and knowledge, and network with colleagues and peers.

Each day will focus on a new theme:

  • Day 1 – Alcohol,
  • Day 2 - Prescription Drugs
  • Day 3 - New and Old Drugs.

The conference will cover the latest addiction research and clinical approaches, with a particular focus on the key themes of alcohol, prescription drugs and newer psychoactive compounds. The program will also include multiple interactive sessions and workshops on a range of themes related to common clinical challenges.

The IMiA15 conference brings together a wide range of local and international medical professionals who specialise in treating addictions.

Presented by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists' (RANZCP) Section of Addiction Psychiatry and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians' (RACP) Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine.

Friday – Sunday 20-22 March 2015


The Family and Childcare Trust want to speak to parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities in England. Is this for you?

Pip Dorkings writes: We are making a series of short films with parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities offering advice to other parents about accessing, choosing and paying for childcare. There will also be a written version of top tips.

These are funded by the Department for Education and will be shared on our website, through our network of Family Information Services and with other partners in the childcare sector.

These stories will be compiled over the next few months (likely to be filmed in February) and we would like to speak to as many parents as possible. We want to hear from parents about:

  • Benefits of childcare – for child and the whole family
  • Barriers they have overcome to be able to get the childcare they want
  • Overcoming concerns and anxieties  of staff at childcare settings towards taking a child with special educational needs and disabilities
  • Overcoming their own anxiety about using childcare
  • Funding they have accessed and how – specifically to pay for childcare
  • Local services or particular people who have helped in finding, paying and using childcare
  • Being able to use the same childcare for non-disabled siblings
  • Transport issues to and from out of school club
  • Childcare for older children- age appropriate activities
  • Any nurseries, after school clubs and childminders who are very inclusive  and what they have done to ensure each child has the same play and learning opportunities

Plus any other issues that parents feel they could pass on information to other parents concerning childcare for their disabled child or child with special educational needs.

By contacting us there is no commitment to take part; we just want to hear from parents and talk about the advice they would pass on to other parents who are looking for childcare.

Please contact us by emailing me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011