Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


9TH BASPCAN CONGRESS 2015 - UK – book online


The Keynotes are in order of presenting:


  - Rt Hon. Baroness Hale of Richmond, Deputy President of the Supreme Court of the UK

  - Jenny Molloy, Author of 'Hackney Child'

  - Karyn McCluskey, Director of Scottish Violence Reduction Unit, Glasgow

  - Simon Bailey, Chief Constable Norfolk Constabulary

  - Dr James A Mercy, Special Advisor for Global Activities, Atlanta, USA

  - Dr Kate McKay, Senior Medical Officer, Scottish Government

  - Alan Baird, Chief Social Work Advisor to the Scottish Government

  - Sue Berelowitz, Deputy Children's Commissioner for England

  - Professor Michael Rutter, Kings College London

  - Professor Nigel Parton, University of Huddersfield

Book online now at

Congress Programme now available at


Congress Debate

This will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 14th April as a plenary session.  All those attending on Tuesday will have chance to attend, listen to the motions for and against, and participate in the debate.  The Motion is 'This House Believes That Every Government Should Enact a Mandatory Reporting Law in Relation to Child Abuse Concerns'.

Peter Garsden, Head of Child Abuse Department, Abney Garsden Solicitors, will speak for the motion.
Jill D. McLeigh Clinical Assistant Professor, The Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect will speak against the motion.
The Debate will be Chaired by Retired District Judge Nicholas Crichton, CBE.

Did you know that children with intellectual disabilities may be helped by play therapy? 1-day introductory course and full training in Play Therapy - UK

apacsmall_thumb_medium118_124Play Therapy for Children with Intellectual Disabilities: Children with intellectual disability and their families experience more stressful situations of everyday life, including social neglect and educational limitations. They are more likely to develop symptoms of mental disorders.

It's important to introduce appropriate support, such as Play Therapy, as soon as possible. The playroom, with a wide range of creative arts media provides the opportunity for a wide range of expression.

As an example, a ten-year old boy with learning difficulties and low IQ scores, presented an aggressive attitude, especially towards his mother.  In Play Therapy he started with sand trays in which he played out dangerous and helpless situations, in silence, without eye-contact with the therapist.

After several weeks changes occurred, allowing the figurines to defend themselves and he started to talk with the therapist.  The outcome of Play Therapy was successful as measured by SDQ scores.

- Based upon the work of Joanna Kruszyńska-Buryta – Play Therapy UK Registrant.

New career, new skills. Become registered to work therapeutically with children.

Find out more – attend a 1-day Introductory Course - 10 venues throughout the UK.


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: 01825 761143

Last change to register for the Professional conference 2015, plus new conferences on Autism and Mental health, Transitions, & Behaviour

nas_purple_and_pink_thumb_medium125_88UK: The National Autistic Society's Professional conference 2015, 3-4 March in Harrogate is the biggest annual event for professionals working with autism and is fast approaching. With presentations by world famous experts and four seminar streams, there will be something for everyone. We hope to see as many of you as possible, so don't delay and register now.

Other events:

Autism and mental health (featuring Professor Tony Attwood!)

19 May 2015, London

Enabling good transitions for people with autism

June 2015, Manchester

Understanding and managing challenging behaviour

25 June 2015, London

TEACCH three-day training – with Professor Gary Mesibov
22-24 June 2015, Manchester

Child Welfare League of America 2015 National Conference in Arlington VA, USA

cwla2The CWLA 2015 National Conference will engage stakeholders and partners whose efforts, contributions, and standards improve outcomes for children, youth, and families. Presentations will showcase those policies, programs, practices, research, and collaborations that are aligned with the Core Principles of the CWLA National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare.

Advancing Excellence through Innovation and Collaboration

April 27th to 29th 2015

The foundation and framework for Excellence in Child Welfare is achieving the vision -

that all children will grow up safely, in loving families and supportive communities, with everything they need to flourish—and with connections to their culture, ethnicity, race, language and sexual identity.

CWLA encourages and supports innovative approaches and multi-system collaborations that have improved the well-being and success of children, youth, and families who are most vulnerable.  CWLA advocates for best policies and practices, and encourages building strategic alliances that result in improved outcomes.

Join us for sessions featuring promising practices, programs and strategies; effective engagement, partnership and collaboration; challenges and opportunities related to safety and prevention; innovations in leadership, workforce development and quality improvement; and evidence-based practice and research

To learn more:

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