9TH BASPCAN CONGRESS 2015 - UK – book online
The Keynotes are in order of presenting:
- Rt Hon. Baroness Hale of Richmond, Deputy President of the Supreme Court of the UK
- Jenny Molloy, Author of 'Hackney Child'
- Karyn McCluskey, Director of Scottish Violence Reduction Unit, Glasgow
- Simon Bailey, Chief Constable Norfolk Constabulary
- Dr James A Mercy, Special Advisor for Global Activities, Atlanta, USA
- Dr Kate McKay, Senior Medical Officer, Scottish Government
- Alan Baird, Chief Social Work Advisor to the Scottish Government
- Sue Berelowitz, Deputy Children's Commissioner for England
- Professor Michael Rutter, Kings College London
- Professor Nigel Parton, University of Huddersfield
Book online now at http://www.baspcan.org.uk/congress2015-booking.php
Congress Programme now available at http://www.baspcan.org.uk/congress2015-programme.php
Congress Debate
This will be held on the afternoon of Tuesday 14th April as a plenary session. All those attending on Tuesday will have chance to attend, listen to the motions for and against, and participate in the debate. The Motion is 'This House Believes That Every Government Should Enact a Mandatory Reporting Law in Relation to Child Abuse Concerns'.
Peter Garsden, Head of Child Abuse Department, Abney Garsden Solicitors, will speak for the motion.
Jill D. McLeigh Clinical Assistant Professor, The Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect will speak against the motion.
The Debate will be Chaired by Retired District Judge Nicholas Crichton, CBE.