Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


COFACE conference - Accessible and fair financial services: alternatives to mainstream banking, May 2015 in Madrid, Spain

cofaceAll families have needs. Having a place to live, paying the bills, acquiring a means of transportation or simply being able to make and receive payments with a bank account.

Financial services are essential to all households but some are excluded from access to basic financial products. Strictly speaking, financial inclusion is the delivery of financial services at affordable costs to a variety of segments of society including disadvantaged and low-income families, workers with irregular income earners, or fixed term contract workers. But it is much more than that. Almost all families are vulnerable when it comes to financial services.

More information as it develops:

SEND Reforms and SLCN: Good practice to support children and families - NAPLIC Conference, Warwick, UK, May 2015

NAPLIClogoNAPLIC® is an established national organisation for teachers, speech and language therapists and other professionals, led by a volunteer committee elected by the membership. It exists to promote and increase the awareness and understanding of children and young people with speech, language and communication needs, amongst all the professionals involved in meeting their needs.

Conference keynotes include: Christine Lenehan, Director, Council for Disabled Children, Anne Fox, Director, The Communication Trust, Professor Sue Roulstone, University of the West of England and The Bristol Speech and Language Therapy Research Unit and Marie Gascoigne, Better Communication CIC.

Delegates can choose from a number of seminars and an exhibition of publishers and other organisations will be available.

May 16th 2015, Warwick University, UK. Prices from £95 for members. Non-members welcome.


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Europe in Action conference, Rome, Italy, May 2015 - families & self advocacy

Rome2Organised by Inclusion Europe and ANFFAS to discuss effective and innovative ways of strengthening the self-advocacy movement at local, regional and national levels. Discussing the impact of self-advocacy on families and how self-advocates and family members can support the implementation of the CRPD at local level.

This annual conference will attract more than 200 people with intellectual disabilities, family members, professionals and friends from all over Europe – 21st and 22nd May 2015 at the NH Roma Midas Hotel in Rome.


Committee on Supporting the Parents of Young Children (USA)

An ad hoc committee under the auspices of the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council will conduct a study that will inform a national framework for strengthening the capacity of parents of young children birth to age 8.

The committee will examine the research to identify a core set of parenting knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAPs) tied to positive parent-child interactions and child outcomes, as well as evidence-based strategies that support these KAPs universally and across a variety of specific populations.

These KAPs and strategies will be brought together to inform a set of concrete policy recommendations, across the private and public sectors within the health, human services, and education systems. Recommendations will be tied to promoting the wide-scale adoption of the effective strategies and the enabling of the identified KAPs.

The report will also identify the most pressing research gaps and recommend three to five key priorities for future research endeavors in the field.

This work will primarily inform policy makers, a wide array of child and family practitioners, private industry, and researchers. The resulting report will serve as a 'roadmap' for the future of parenting and family support policies, practices, and research in this country.


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