Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


17th edition of the EADP biennial conferences in Braga, Portugal, September 2015

eadp2From European Association of Developmental Psychology : Two schools of the University of Minho, the Institute of Education and the School of Psychology, are working together to strengthen interdisciplinary and application domains of Developmental Psychology

- and embracing the cutting-edge topics of Developmental Science today to create a stimulating and enjoyable scientific forum for senior and young researchers in Developmental Psychology and its related disciplines.

Displaying the core and the new frontiers of Developmental Psychology, this conference program will feature five integrative thematic blocks:

  • Gene-Environment  
  • Developmental Models
  • Developmental Neurosciences
  • Social and Cross Cultural Developmental Psychology
  • Applied Developmental Psychology Developmetrics


18th SSBP International Research Symposium in London UK in September 2015

big_ben2The 18th meeting of the SSBP (The Society for the Study of Behavioural Phenotypes) will focus on emerging findings from basic science research on behavioural phenotypes and the application of these in clinical practice. The cutting-edge program will cover research areas such as epigenetics, mouse model studies and clinical trials.

Join us for 'Behavioural phenotypes from the bench to bedside: translation of basic science to clinical practice'

  • Educational Day 3rd September 2015
  • Research Symposium 4th – 5th September 2015

Registration and abstract submission open: April 2015

Deadline for online abstract submission: 1st of June 2015

Deadline for discounted early bird registration: 25th of July 2015

For further information and details on how to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation, see

Penny Lacey - notice of memorial service

penny2Dr Penny Lacey of UK's Birmingham University's School of Education died quite suddenly earlier this month. The funeral with a memorial service will be held at Coventry Cathedral on Wednesday 11th of February, 2015 commencing at 11:30 a.m.

We were privileged to know and work with Penny since the mid-1990s when she became a good friend of One Hundred Hours in support of our work with families of disabled babies and young children. Our hearts and minds grew together in our shared effort to help professionals work together for the child and family no matter which agency they came from.

When the Yorkshire One Hundred Hours evolved into the national Handsel Trust, Penny became a Trustee and helped us bring the keyworker model and then TAC to a broader audience and into government programmes. At the time of her death Penny was a fellow Director with us of the Handsel Project which is training health professionals all around the country to help sleep-deprived families.

Penny wanted all disabled children to sleep well so that they would be ready to learn in a happy and settled frame of mind the next day. She also believed passionately, as do we, that a family becomes very vulnerable when their disabled child's needs and habits persistently disrupt everyone's sleep.

With Penny's guidance Handsel Project has recently embarked on a new sleep training programme to equip a wider group of staff in schools, centres, care homes, etc to manage disabled children's sleep. Her deep knowledge, gentle approach, optimism and kindness will be greatly missed as we continue this work without her.

Gudrun Limbrick

& Peter Limbrick

The Handsel Project

Messages can be forwarded to the family via:

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1st meeting - Trisomy 21 Research Society - Paris, France – June 2015 – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS

The format of 'Changing paradigms in Down Syndrome' will include platform presentations by invited speakers and additional platform presentations, poster symposia and poster sessions chosen from submitted abstracts.

Date: June 4 - 7, 2015.

All interested investigators are encouraged to submit their abstracts by the deadline [February 15, 2015] for consideration for an oral presentation or for posters.


share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011