Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Intensive Interaction online learning resource has now gone live

Inten80Intensive Interaction is an approach for teaching communication skills to people with autism, severe intellectual disabilities and profound and multiple intellectual disabilities.

For these people who are still at early levels of development as communicators, Intensive Interaction progresses their abilities to interact, connect, and communicate with the people around them.

This module has been written by Dave Hewett and Graham Firth. This module features presentations from a range of leading professionals, including Dave Hewett, Graham Firth, Jan Gordon, and Ditte Rose Andersen.

Watch the trailer for the module here:

Intensive Interaction online learning resource on the Open Future Learning site (you need to scroll down):

TAC Bulletin – November 2015 - Issue 168

Editor Peter Limbrick

About this Bulletin

Promoting effective support for childhood sleep problems – a 1-day course on sleep hygiene with Julie Sutton. Is this relevant to your organisation?

Learn about Autism and Challenging behaviour, Communication, Anxiety and stress. Pathological Demand Avoidance and more

Annual Massachusetts Early Intervention Consortium Conference, Framingham, USA, May 2016 – will you contribute?

BASPCAN events in Wales and Scotland

Improving Mental Health Services for Young Adults, Supporting the Transition to Adulthood - CPD Conference: January 2016, London UK 

The importance of early years, childhood and adolescence: Evidence from longitudinal studies – conference in London, UK. 30th November 2015

How effective is Play Therapy? 77% of the children referred…show a positive change

Wireless Technology’s Deadly New Epidemics – conference in British Columbia, Canada, November 2015

Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) Age 17 Survey: Consultative Conference, London, UK, November 16th (!) 2015

Intensive Interaction and Emotional Well-Being conference, December 2015, Surrey, UK

Survey – getting disabled children to school in developing countries

The Meaning of “Professional” in an Era of Change. AAIDD conference Atlanta, USA, June 2016 – CALL FOR PAPERS

External links are not validated. We advise you to research before sending information or money to any organization
Cartoons are copyright Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2015 and cannot be used elsewhere without prior permission
Editor: Peter Limbrick, Interconnections, HR3 5HH, UK. Tel/fax: (+44)1497 831550

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


To add or remove names from out mailing list click here 

Is Play Therapy effective? Yes, 77% of the children referred…show a positive change

The latest analysis of clinical outcomes of play therapy delivered to Play Therapy UK’s standards shows that, 77% of the children referred with a borderline or abnormal condition, show a positive change.  This result is based on 10840 cases, of which 31% were girls and 69% boys.  80% of the girls show a positive change compared to 75% of the boys. Children aged 5 and 6 show slightly better results than older children.


Find out more – attend a 1-day Introduction to Play Therapy Course - 10 venues throughout the UK.


Did you know that 323 trainees registered on our post graduate Certificate, Diploma and MA courses last year in the UK? 

Find your local Play Therapists:

Further information about training to PTUK standards: 


See: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Join many others in making a new career working therapeutically with children


BASPCAN events in Wales and Scotland


Sharing the Learning from the 9th BASPCAN CONGRESS held in Edinburgh April 2015’ - with over 15 presentations from Congress

Giving Something Back to Wales!

Monday 16th November 2015

Hafod a Hendre

Royal Welsh Showground

Llanelwedd, Builth Wells, LD2 3SY

Cost:  £30 (Non Refundable)

9.15am to 4.30pm



27 November 2015- Police HQ, Perth


Gillian Ruch - Professor of Social Work at the University of Sussex and the Tavistock Centre, London

Kate Morris - Professor of Social Work at the University of Nottingham

Dr Julia Egan - Professional Advisor for Public Health, Early Years and Children’s Service, Scottish Government

Cost: £95 per delegate

10.00am – 4.00pm - Registration and Refreshments from 9.30am


ANN SMEATON - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011