Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


TAC Bulletin – December 2015 - Issue 170

Editor Peter Limbrick

About this Bulletin

Collateral damage – a sorry little phrase. Editorial comment

World Indigenous Cancer Conference, Brisbane, Australia, April 2016 - 'Connecting, Communicating and Collaborating across the Globe'

47th Annual Autism Society National Conference, New Orleans, US, July 2016 – CALL FOR PAPERS

Caring Activism: A 21st Century Concept of Care – a new book for 2016 written by Peter Limbrick and edited by Hilton Davis

How effective is Play Therapy? 77% of the children referred…show a positive change

Intensive Interaction DVD from Dave Hewett

Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood: Bio-Cultural Perspectives – conference in Sweden, August 2016 – CALL FOR PAPERS

Harness your children’s creativity with the Power of Play – online training course

Communicating with Families When Children Have a Life-Limiting Condition and Complex Needs, February 2016, Buckinghamshire, UK

BASPCAN North West (Greater Manchester) INAUGURAL SEMINAR, January 2016, Salford, UK

Your invitation to the Professional conference; Autism and technology; Masterclass with Tony Atwood

Health Promotion For People With Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities - book by Laurence Taggart and other contributors

External links are not validated. We advise you to research before sending information or money to any organization


Cartoons are copyright Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2015 and cannot be used elsewhere without prior permission
Editor: Peter Limbrick, Interconnections, HR3 5HH, UK. Tel/fax: (+44)1497 831550

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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World Indigenous Cancer Conference, Brisbane, Australia, April 2016 - 'Connecting, Communicating and Collaborating across the Globe'

menz80Join us for the inaugural World Indigenous Cancer Conference 2016 (WICC 2016), hosted by Menzies School of Health Research, and held in partnership with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).


Our theme for WICC 2016 is 'Connecting, Communicating and Collaborating across the Globe', and we encourage participation from a wide range of researchers, public health practitioners, clinicians, nurses, advocacy groups, allied health and other related professionals, and Indigenous community groups and leaders from around the globe.



47th Annual Autism Society National Conference, New Orleans, US, July 2016 – CALL FOR PAPERS

Submissions should include high quality proposals and how-to strategies and evidence-based research as often as possible, addressing a full range of issues facing individuals living with autism and their families.


Of particular interest are sessions that support Lifespan Services – Birth to Age 5, School Age, Transition and Adulthood, as well as Advocacy and Science/Research.


Content Areas will include: Diagnosis, Early Intervention, Communication, Education, Behavior Issues and Supports, Social Skills, Sensory Processing, Family and Caregiver Support, Diet and Nutrition, Medications, Current Research, Long Term Services and Support, Employment, Residential, Self-Determination and Independence, Personal Perspectives, Technology, Local /Grassroots Advocacy, State Advocacy, and National Advocacy.

Deadline: January 10, 2016. The Autism Society encourages presenters of all backgrounds to apply

Click here to submit an online proposal:

Harness your children’s creativity with the Power of Play – online training course

earlyarts80Are you passionate about unlocking your children’s amazing creativity? Award winning training company, Earlyarts, has launched their first online training course, the Power of Play, to help teachers plan play-based learning with greater expertise and creativity.

Drawing on the expertise of renowned play and learning experts, the Power of Play illustrates how the five main play styles can have a direct impact on children's cognitive, physical, social and cultural development, as well as providing four creative techniques that help remove obstacles to play.

As well as being able to track the developmental progress of their children through play, educators have reported gaining valuable new insights by using the Play Styles Observation Toolkit that comes with the course, along with many other downloadable resources;  

"The Power of Play has really challenged my way of thinking and made me critically reflect on my own practice, the types of play that I include in my current program and what I can further implement."

Watch the Power of Play trailer and download our free Play Styles Bonus Guide.

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011