Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


SensAge about lifelong learning needs for ageing people with sensory disabilities



The overall aim of SensAge is to be the reference point within the European Union for developments in lifelong learning and enablement for ageing people with sensory disabilities in order to maintain their independence and to improve their quality of life.

This multifunctional webplatform is a central access point for all network partners and for the public.


It includes news, activities - events, leaflets, a knowledge base, information about organisations, and so on.


Video here

Report: Black and Ethnic Minority (BME) Parents and Carers Representation on Parent Carer Forums – more support is needed

Janet Cooper writes: Include Me TOO have produced a report regarding BME parents and carers representation and participation on parent carer forums.

48 of 150 parent forums participated and several community outreach workshops were facilitated in various regions directly with BME parents and carers regarding representation and participation; including their current views regarding their involvement in influencing local decisions and planning of services.

The report highlights BME parents and carers participation needs a coordinated approach, specialised assistance and resources. 40 out of 48 parents forums highlighted they need assistance and support in this area. This report is part of IM2's 'Time for REAL Action' research and work programme

The report further highlights greater collaboration with the BME voluntary and community sector is required and an investment  towards BME parent and carer  participation to ensure all parents/carers voices have a chance to be heard to influence and shape current and future services for their children.

For a copy of the report please contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the report will be forwarded to you.

Include Me TOO can support and strengthen BME parent carer involvement and provide advice and support to parent carer forums, children and young people services including partnership boards and committees.

Do contact us if you wish to receive a copy of the report or discuss the support and services Include Me TOO provide.

We look forward to hearing from you. 

Kind regards


Janet Cooper                      


Include Me TOO
Newhampton Arts Centre
Dunkley Street
West Midlands
Tel: 01902 711604/01902 399888

Frequently asked questions about PIP (Personal Independence Payments)

Action for Blind People has a number of frequently asked questions about Personal Independence Payment (PIP) on their website. For example -


Q. What Is Personal Independence Payment (PIP)?


A. PIP replaces Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for adults aged 16-64

Q. Will I automatically qualify for PIP if I am in receipt of DLA already?


A. No, it will depend on your individual circumstances. There are two components to PIP: Daily Living and Mobility and you will be assessed against the criteria for each component.


Q. I receive DLA, what will happen to my award and when will I be asked to claim PIP?


Go to the website


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