Abuse of vulnerable people in Glasgow (UK). Is it foreigners that UK governments don’t like or just refugees?

...this is not about food or bed bugs. It is about human beings being warehoused for profit by one company and the systematic abuse of their most basic human rights which leaves people functionally destitute...

Robina Qureshi of Positive Action in H

Read more: Abuse of vulnerable people in Glasgow (UK). Is it foreigners that UK governments don’t like or just refugees?

Childhood Education International collaborates on Brief that explores how play can address trauma (in the early years)

Half of the world’s 2 billion children have experienced one or more types of serious trauma

Childhood Education International and the Bay Area Early Childhood Funders have developed a brief that addresses how play can be a powerful tool for helping children cope with and heal from trauma.

“The Power

Read more: Childhood Education International collaborates on Brief that explores how play can address trauma (in the early years)

Lowitja Institute appeals to Australia’s Royal Commission into violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability

‘The current health system is not doing enough to ensure access and safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a cognitive disability’

From their letter: 'The Lowitja Institute writes to state our support for the work of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploi

Read more: Lowitja Institute appeals to Australia’s Royal Commission into violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability

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