White culture dominates globally which is one manifestation of our privilege and stems from the colonisation and slavery of the past

‘A globalised society is a white one. Whether we like it or not we are part of this and making the necessary changes towards a more equal and peaceful world is not a simple matter’


Extracts from a blog by Judy Ryde, author of White Privilege Unmasked.

“I am struck by how difficult it is for e

Read more: White culture dominates globally which is one manifestation of our privilege and stems from the colonisation and slavery of the past

Abuse of vulnerable people in Glasgow (UK). Is it foreigners that UK governments don’t like or just refugees?

...this is not about food or bed bugs. It is about human beings being warehoused for profit by one company and the systematic abuse of their most basic human rights which leaves people functionally destitute...

Robina Qureshi of Positive Action in H

Read more: Abuse of vulnerable people in Glasgow (UK). Is it foreigners that UK governments don’t like or just refugees?

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