People with learning disabilities in England still dumped in hospital wards. Shame!

The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) report 'Learning Disabilities Census Report: England, 30 September 2013' provides information on hospital in-patients with learning disabilities in England.
Responses from 104 provider organisations were received on behalf of 3,250 service users
Read more: People with learning disabilities in England still dumped in hospital wards. Shame!
Our most callous crime against children to date – but don't worry, we are working on a bigger one
'It manifests itself as abscesses, in massive tumours, in gangrene, internal bleeding and child mastectomies and shrunken heads and deformities and thousands of tiny graves.' * (p 895)
Comment by Peter Limbrick: This is the second Editorial Comment under the heading, 'Hey, stop killing th
A question for parents: Do you need the Team Around the Child approach?
Peter Limbrick
The Team Around the Child (TAC) approach provides joined-up, multi-agency support for babies and infants who require ongoing multiple interventions (for whatever reason) and their families. The approach was first described in 2001 and has since become a popular model of service delivery in the UK and other countries. This article is written for parents who might be unsure whether TAC would be of benefit to their child and family.
Read more: A question for parents: Do you need the Team Around the Child approach?
Interconnections appeal to twenty children's organisations in England: Report, April 2014– 'No one tells me this radiation is safe for children!'

Introduction: This appeal began in February 2014 and has grown out of national and international concern about the dangers to human beings from electromagnetic radiation. This appeal focuses on children and invites children's organisation to learn about the dangers to children and then become champi
CCNUK: The history and mystery of Care Co-ordination Network UK in England. Do you know more than I do?
Hey, stop killing those children! Kill these children instead! Part I
Editorial: This is about the incongruities and hypocrisies of the UK government's attitude to the killing, disabling and orphaning of children
Half a million dead children – a price worth paying: Since May 27th this year we have repeated reports of 'massacres of the innocents' referring to the
Read more: Hey, stop killing those children! Kill these children instead! Part I