Child Rights Connect

For the realisation of children’s rights through the United Nations human rights system

They say: ‘We are an independent, non-profit network made up of more than 85 national, regional, and international organisations.

‘Through our members we reach out to every country on the planet. Our shared

Read more: Child Rights Connect

EASPD (European association of service providers for persons with disabilities) – video of key moments

From EASPD: ‘This week we have been sharing fond EASPD memories from the last 25 years, sent in by EASPD members. We asked our Executive Committee members in Brussels for any moments that particularly stand out for them!’  

Read more: EASPD (European association of service providers for persons with disabilities) – video of key moments

Towards Inclusive Education and Beyond. EASPD 2021 Lisbon Declaration. (It would be wonderful if this also applied to babies and pre-school children - Editor)

Inclusive education systems reflect and respect the diversity in society and accommodate all learners

From Section 3: Adapting the system to the learner -  

‘Access to education is a fundamental human right, as enshrined in several international and European Human Rights documents. This right e

Read more: Towards Inclusive Education and Beyond. EASPD 2021 Lisbon Declaration. (It would be wonderful if this also applied to babies and pre-school children - Editor)

A discussion of medical apartheid around a complaint filed against New York City mayor (US). And a detailed video about vaccines

“With only 25% of the Black population choosing the shots, de Blasio [mayor] intends 75% of an already disadvantaged group to be unable to do basic things like shop for food, go to the pharmacy and the doctor. This is not only a Civil Rights issue but a human rights issue.”

Read the arguments here:

Read more: A discussion of medical apartheid around a complaint filed against New York City mayor (US). And a detailed video about vaccines

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011