Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


YoungSibs - the first ever UK-wide online service for young siblings of disabled children

YoungSibs, has been launched by Sibs, the UK charity for siblings of disabled people. This unique website provides much needed information, advice and support for siblings of disabled children who are under 18. YoungSibs has a letters section for siblings to receive personalised responses to their questions as well as a safe online chat area for young siblings to talk to other young siblings in the UK moderated by Sibs' staff. 

In the UK, there are over half a million children and young people who are growing up with a brother or sister who is disabled or has a life-long serious illness. Yet too often many of these children are either not identified as siblings or have their needs overlooked leading to isolation and difficulties reaching their potential.

Visit here.

Circles of Support and Accountability (COSAs) around young people with learning disabilities who sexually offend. Will your agency join us?

Circles of Support and Accountability (COSAs) around young people with learning disabilities who sexually offend or display sexually harmful behaviour.  We are in the process of identifying agencies to work with in developing the project. Circles of Support and Accountability have been running in the UK for over 10 years, and were originally developed in Canada 20 years ago working with serious sex offenders upon release. 

The model is that the offender, in this case the young person with a learning disability, is matched with a group of 4-6 trained volunteers who meet with the young person to help support them and hold them accountable for their behaviour.  Studies have shown that reducing social isolation and emotional loneliness can be important factors in preventing re-offending. For more information see Circles UK website

New UK family guide – 'Personal independence payment and other benefits at 16'

Contact a Family has published this to coincide with the launch of personal independence payments (PIP). PIP replaces disability living allowance (DLA) for those aged 16 plus. Initially PIP will only apply to those making a brand new claim. Then, from October 2013 DLA claimants whose existing award ends, or who report a change of circumstances, or who turn 16 will be re-assessed under the PIP system.

At first glance the new PIP may seem very similar to DLA. Like DLA it is not means tested and has two components - a mobility component and a daily living component which considers the need for care and assistance. However, PIP uses entirely new rules to decide whether you qualify for the benefit. There will also be a new way of assessing claims, normally involving a face-to-face meeting with a health professional.

If you are a parent of a disabled child and are worried about benefit and welfare issues or to get a copy of Personal independence payment and other benefits at 16, please ring the freephone helpline on 0808 808 3555, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our website.

NHS Education for Scotland (UK) Fetal Alcohol Harm e-learning resource

This has been developed to support a range of activity led by the Scottish Government to substantially reduce the harm caused by alcohol consumption in pregnancy across Scotland. The course content was developed by ‘Children in Scotland’ with input from the child and maternal health team at NES and the Scottish Government Fetal Alcohol harm national working group. The content was transformed into an interactive e-learning resource and the draft resource was tested and piloted by the maternal and child health team at NES and a group of clinical midwives and lecturers. Visit here.

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