Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


A sustainable care system for Europe in the context of reconciling work and family life - Conference in Italy in November 14

coface2_thumb_medium122_64With the current demographic trends that see the European population getting older, families have more and more care responsibilities towards their ageing or dependent family members. 80% of care hours for ageing or disabled persons is provided by family or informal carers, free of charge.

Care providers within families are often women and because of the difficulties they face in reconciling their paid employment with the care responsibilities and also because of insufficiency or lack of quality, accessible and affordable services, they often end up dropping out of the labour market.

This has a serious impact on their possibility to re-integrate paid employment, and directly effects their pension contributions and their social inclusion, exposing them to a higher risk of poverty and social exclusion.

On the other hand, a growing trend for families in Europe is to hire an external carer, often from a migrant background, that provides 24h care, living with the person in need of care.

However, this model has some social consequences, on care workers and the person cared for, and it is urgent to reflect whether, in its current application, this is a socially sustainable care model for Europe.

In this conference, COFACE and its member Anziani e Non Solo* aim to discuss and present, under the auspices of the Italian Presidency of the EU**, policies and practices developed at local and national level that can support families in reconciling their work and care responsibilities and reflect on the sustainability of the current growing trends of care.

4th November 2014 (9:30-17:00)
Spazio Europa, Via IV Novembre n°149, 00187 Rome, Italy

More information:

*Anziani e Non Solo:

**Italian Presidency of the EU:

'Childhood Brain Injury: Our Big Ambitions' - brochure from The Children's Trust - UK

ChildrenTrustBy 2017, The Children's Trust aims to be reaching 2,500 children living with brain injury every year through a major expansion of its community services. The charity will also undertake significant redevelopment work at its national specialist centre in Tadworth, Surrey and has committed to making greater investments in its online information service, research and campaigning.

One of the key objectives of the new strategy is a major increase in the number of charity-funded partnerships between The Children's Trust and the NHS. Through these partnerships, The Children's Trust embeds their qualified brain injury specialists within major trauma hospitals. Here they provide practical support to families as their child makes the often difficult return to home and school following a brain injury.

Childhood Brain Injury: Our Big Ambitions, a brochure outlining the details of The Children's Trust's new strategy, is now available to download from 

NEW! Autism and communication conference 25th November 2014 UK, great international speakers, book now

nas_purple_and_pinkAutism and communication, 25 November 2014, Reading: This conference will discuss the types of communication difficulties that people on the autism spectrum can experience, as well as the various tools and strategies to help support verbal and non-verbal communication.

Our keynote speaker, Gina Davies, is one of the top experts in the UK in helping young people to develop communication skills. She will be looking at how we can inspire attention in people with autism and how to make therapy irresistible.

We are also pleased to welcome Carol Gray over from the US. Carol pioneered the development of Social Stories™ and will be giving her unique insights into the next generation of social stories, the right way to work with them and discussing some common errors in how they are used.


Early booking rate ends 26 September 2014

Other conferences:

1. Understanding and managing challenging behaviour in people with autism

14 October, Birmingham

2. Pathological Demand Avoidance

4 November, Cardiff

3. Autism and sensory integration in everyday life

December, Birmingham (day and venue to be confirmed)

4. Girls and women on the autism spectrum

9 October, London



Supporting people on the autism spectrum: The SPELL Framework

8 October, Newcastle

3 December, London

Learning to wee and poo in the right place – continence problems in children with autism

15 October, Leeds

11 February, London

17 February, Cardiff

19 March, Leicester

Understanding and supporting children with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)

25 February, Cardiff

Social Stories 10.2 workshop with Carol Gray

26 November, Manchester

For details of these and other courses visit

US Conference 'Culture: Yours, Mine and Ours' about children birth to six – October 2014

18thCriterion Child Enrichment is proud to host the 18th Annual Great Beginnings Conference. This year's conference, 'Culture: Yours, Mine and Ours' will be held on Friday, October 24, 2014 at the DCU Center, 50 Foster Street, Worcester, MA.

The goal of Great Beginnings is to bring experts, professionals and families together to examine research and discuss appropriate practice, policy and services for children, birth to six years old, and their families.

This year's event will explore a wide range of family structures, life circumstances, and racial and cultural identifications to ensure the needs of children and families are met with services of the highest quality. 

The brochure may be downloaded and individuals able to register online at   


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