Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


NEW! Autism and communication conference 25th November 2014 UK, great international speakers, book now

nas_purple_and_pinkAutism and communication, 25 November 2014, Reading: This conference will discuss the types of communication difficulties that people on the autism spectrum can experience, as well as the various tools and strategies to help support verbal and non-verbal communication.

Our keynote speaker, Gina Davies, is one of the top experts in the UK in helping young people to develop communication skills. She will be looking at how we can inspire attention in people with autism and how to make therapy irresistible.

We are also pleased to welcome Carol Gray over from the US. Carol pioneered the development of Social Stories™ and will be giving her unique insights into the next generation of social stories, the right way to work with them and discussing some common errors in how they are used.


Early booking rate ends 26 September 2014

Other conferences:

1. Understanding and managing challenging behaviour in people with autism

14 October, Birmingham

2. Pathological Demand Avoidance

4 November, Cardiff

3. Autism and sensory integration in everyday life

December, Birmingham (day and venue to be confirmed)

4. Girls and women on the autism spectrum

9 October, London



Supporting people on the autism spectrum: The SPELL Framework

8 October, Newcastle

3 December, London

Learning to wee and poo in the right place – continence problems in children with autism

15 October, Leeds

11 February, London

17 February, Cardiff

19 March, Leicester

Understanding and supporting children with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)

25 February, Cardiff

Social Stories 10.2 workshop with Carol Gray

26 November, Manchester

For details of these and other courses visit

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