Autism? ADHD? Dr Toril Jelter offers a protocol for calming a child's behaviour by reducing exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
Peter Limbrick writes: The basic idea is for a parent, teacher or young person with ADHD or autism to see if reducing exposure to EMR helps the condition.
The approach follows the same 'switch things off and see if it helps' approach that I have advocated here:
'Are you suffering symptoms of microwave sickness at home or at work without realising the cause?'
This protocol is endorsed and promoted by Katie Singer, author of An Electronic Silent Spring: Facing the dangers and creating safe limits*.
Using the protocol is free. If you try it for the recommended two weeks, both Toril Jelter and Katie Singer would like to hear how you get on. I will forward to them any e-mail messages you send me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here is information about Dr Toril Jelter:
Dr. Toril Jelter speaks about EMFs, Autism and Child Behavior:
Here is the protocol:
Getting started on the protocol means young person, parent or teacher thinking about where this radiation is coming from during the average day. The next stage is to reduce exposure from those sources as much as you can. This radiation can come from –
- Mobile phones and smart phones
- DECT cordless phones
- Wi-fi routers at home or school
- Wi-fi laptops and other games and gadgets
- Wireless baby alarms (DECT or wi-fi)
- iPads
- Smart meters
- Satnavs in the family car or taxi to school
- Mobile phone masts in the vicinity
- Wi-fi built into modern fridges, digital cameras, etc.
The big problem is that EMR is invisible, silent and odourless. If you want to explore radiation levels in home or school more extensively you can buy or hire a monitor that makes the radiation audible and measurable. Here is one company that supplies them:
Here is a demonstration of a monitor being used:
Important note: People who use the protocol and pass information to Toril and Katie will help build knowledge about the effects EMR can have on some people with autism or ADHD. I hope to publish this on in the future.
Please get in touch if you are part of a charity or support organisation that would like to work with Toril and Katie on this protocol.
* You can see more about Katie Singer's valuable book here: