Negative mental states shared by practitioners and parents of children who have additional needs

Extracts from ‘Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs’

‘There are many negative mental states practitioners can suffer in common with parents and other family members. Examples are denial, hope, worry and guilt. We are all subject to these mental states from time to time.

Read more: Negative mental states shared by practitioners and parents of children who have additional needs

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have the solutions to health inequality in their grasp - Report

Launch of the Lowitja Institute Report. They say:

The 12th annual Close the Gap report —Leadership and Legacy Through Crises: Keeping our Mob safe— written by the Lowitja Institute and released by the Close the Gap Campaign, received a strong reception on its release to the public on March 18.

The r

Read more: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have the solutions to health inequality in their grasp - Report

Shadow Work by Ivan Illich

This book combines historical and economic perspectives to examine the economic existence of modern man,

- the war against subsistence, and shadow work - the underpaid work which is unique to an industrial economy - and which often falls to women.

Drawing on unfamiliar historical sources, Illich la

Read more: Shadow Work by Ivan Illich

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