An Integrated Pathway for Assessment and Support for Children with Complex Needs and their Families (Publication)

An Integrated Pathway for Assessment and Support for Children with Complex Needs and their Families (Publication)

An Integrated Pathway for Assessment and Support for Children with Complex Needs and their Families (Publication)

By Peter Limbrick

Published by Interconnections in 2003

Size, A4. 63 pages. Spiral bound.

ISBN 0-9540976-1-0

Cost: £12.95.

Please ask for cost of postage and packing to your address in

Read more: An Integrated Pathway for Assessment and Support for Children with Complex Needs and their Families (Publication)

The best way to establish early child and family support in a city, region or country - a 3-part essay




This essay concerns babies and pre-school children who have conditions that can present significant obstacles to their development and learning. A child might have a single condition (with a single diagnosis) or a multifaceted condition (with two or more diagnoses). The essay

Read more: The best way to establish early child and family support in a city, region or country - a 3-part essay

Adjusting the balance between health supports and education supports in Early Child and Family Support. A long read (10,500 words)

In this eight-part essay I want to explore positive and favourable environments for providing early child and family support when babies and young children have conditions that potentially reduce their capacity for development and learning.  I will argue that opportunities for inclusion in loca

Read more: Adjusting the balance between health supports and education supports in Early Child and Family Support. A long read (10,500 words)

The Team Around The Child: Multi-Agency Service Co-ordination for Children with Complex Needs and their Families (Publication)

The Team Around The Child: Multi-Agency Service Co-ordination for Children with Complex Needs and their Families (Publication)

The Team Around The Child: Multi-Agency Service Co-ordination for Children with Complex Needs and their Families (Publication)

By Peter Limbrick

Published by Interconnections in 2001

Size, A4. 40 pages. Spiral bound.

ISBN 0-9540976-0-2

Cost: £9.95.

Please ask for cost of postage and packing to your

Read more: The Team Around The Child: Multi-Agency Service Co-ordination for Children with Complex Needs and their Families (Publication)

Jan Skacel: Twenty-six Poems

Jan Skacel: Twenty-six Poems

Jan Skacel (author), Martina Jirankova-Limbrick (illustrator, translator from the Czech), Simon Pettifar (translator)

Published by Deodar Books within Interconnections

ISBN: 9780954097691

Paperback, 60 pages, £10.00.

Postage and packing extra - please ask for details for your country.

Available from

Read more: Jan Skacel: Twenty-six Poems

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