An introduction to keyworking and TAC in the horizontal landscape: Joint working in support of children and adults in need. Free PDF

An introduction to keyworking and TAC in the horizontal landscape: Joint working in support of children and adults in need. Free PDF

By Peter Limbrick in 2012



My direct working experience in recent years has been mostly with young children who have a multifaceted condition and in this essay I am going to focus on two connected models of successful joint working for them and their families. At the same time, I

Read more: An introduction to keyworking and TAC in the horizontal landscape: Joint working in support of children and adults in need. Free PDF

Book (2019): ‘Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs’ by Peter Limbrick. FREE PDF

Book (2019): ‘Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs’ by Peter Limbrick. FREE PDF

A 21st century guide for parents, students and new practitioners


Peter Limbrick is an educationalist with long experience of babies and young children who have multiple diagnoses. His approach helps children who have disabilities and very special needs learn basic skills and supports parents

Read more: Book (2019): ‘Bringing up babies and young children who have very special needs’ by Peter Limbrick. FREE PDF

When the Bough Breaks: An independent survey into families’ perceptions of One Hundred Hours keyworker service (1994). Free PDF

When the Bough Breaks: An independent survey into families’ perceptions of One Hundred Hours keyworker service (1994). Free PDF

By Sheila West, BA, CQSW in 1994


From the back cover:

One Hundred Hours has pioneered a new service in Yorkshire for families who have a new baby with serious brain damage. It offers emotional support and practical help to the parents in their own home as soon as possible after discovery of t

Read more: When the Bough Breaks: An independent survey into families’ perceptions of One Hundred Hours keyworker service (1994). Free PDF

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