TAC pro 21. století

Naší dlouhodobou snahou v EDUCO je přinést do oblasti rané péče nové metody, myšlenky a inovace

Proto jsme přeložili knihu Petera Limbricka o metodě Team Around The Child – TAC for the 21st Century. Považujeme za důležité, aby pomoc rodinám s dětmi se zdravotním postižením byla

Read more: TAC pro 21. století

Early Childhood Intervention without Tears by Peter Limbrick (2017). The whole book is offered here as a free PDF for you to download

Early Childhood Intervention without Tears by Peter Limbrick (2017). The whole book is offered here as a free PDF for you to download

Improving support for infants with disabilities and their families


Here is the book's Introduction. The link to the PDF is at the end.



‘This essay will suggest a new approach to early childhood intervention services to resolve particular problems that commonly arise in th

Read more: Early Childhood Intervention without Tears by Peter Limbrick (2017). The whole book is offered here as a free PDF for you to download

Book - How school leaders can create an inclusive environment for students with disabilities

Watch, Listen, Ask, Learn

By: Belinda Dunnick Karge

From the publisher: Whether you’re a superintendent or general education teacher leader, you can use this book to support inclusive education. Author Belinda Dunnick Karge offers research-based practices for implementing effective learning services

Read more: Book - How school leaders can create an inclusive environment for students with disabilities

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011