Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


We need inclusive play in Australia

A number of international and national reports point to the need for more inclusive play spaces because children have the fundamental right to play, and that regardless of ability, all children have the right to access the same services - UN Committee for the Rights of a Child

- and because childhood obesity has increased 40% between 1995-2005, and over 25% of Australian children are obese or overweight. 

More here.


Never, Never Quit – new book by Ralph Strzałkowski

never-never-quit2Published by UK-based Conductive Education Press, the book offers unique light upon a child's experience of Conductive Education, observations and reflections on his adult life, and his further Conductive Education experiences in the United States.


Ralph was born in 1979, in Warsaw, Poland, with cerebral palsy. From 1986 to 1990 he attended the Pető Institute in Budapest. He is now an attorney admitted to law practice in Florida and in Washington DC.


Never, Never Quit demonstrates a way of life, an attitude, that challenges many of society's responses to disability, therapy and rehabilitation.

Thinking about what would make a good future - Video

Person centred planning (PCP) is a collection of tools and approaches based upon a set of shared values that can be used to plan with a person - not for them.They tools can be used to help a person think about what is important in their lives now and also to think about what would make a good future.

Watch and hear what practitioners from the UK and beyond said after 2 days PCP training. 


Better Breaks in Scotland for disabled children and young people. Applications invited!

The purpose of Better Breaks is to develop responsive and creative short break opportunities for disabled children and young people, and their families. We particularly want to improve short break opportunities for disabled children and young people with additional multiple support needs.


The Better Breaks Programme is funded by the Scottish Government as part of their commitment to the development of Short Breaks for the benefit of disabled children and young people, and their carers.

Applications for funding for the 2014 - 2015 programme are now invited. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 11th December 2013 at noon.



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