Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Future BASPCAN events in UK and Ireland

baspcan_thumb_medium77_100Child Abuse in Christian Churches: What Progress has Been Made?

Monday 22 September 2014, Sheffield

Speakers:  Dr Philip Gilligan, Phil Johnson, Jo Kind, Alana Lawrence, Colin Perkins and Richard Scorer 

The neglect of adolescent's needs: Are professionals doing enough to help?

Thursday 2 October 2014, Plymouth

Speakers: Dr Rhys Bevan-Jones, Naomi Black, Phil Harris, Clare Shaw and Dr Sam Warner 

Maximising Hope and Minimising Harm:  Working with children and young people

Friday 17 October 2014, Leeds

Speakers: Clare Shaw and Dr Sam Warner


Developmental Victimology: Conceptualizing and Intervening in Crime, Violence and Abuse in the Lives of Children
Monday November 10th 2014 Dundalk, Co Louth, Republic of Ireland

Progress and Challenges in the Prevention of Sexual Abuse
Wednesday November 12th 2014, Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow

The Internet and Children's Safety
Friday November 14th 2014, Resource for London, Holloway Road, London

Please visit this link to view these and all future events

Girls on the autism spectrum conference and other autism conferences and training courses

nas_purple_and_pinkWomen and girls on the autism spectrum - 9 October 2014, London

This conference, organised by The National Autistic Society, aims to further the discussion around diagnosis and support for girls and women with autism. Delegates can choose the seminars from three streams: health, social care and education. Dr Wenn Lawson (formerly Wendy Lawson) will be giving the keynote address at the conference on the unique challenges that women on the spectrum face and their unique strengths.

Key topics

  • Adapting screening and diagnostic instruments for women and girls
  • Education of girls – teaching social skills and communication
  • Preparing for puberty, pregnancy and menopause
  • Developing social and personal relationships
  • Gender differences and its impact on women with autism.

Register by Friday 29 August 2014 to take advantage of our early booking rate. 

Other conferences:

  1. Understanding and managing challenging behaviour in people with autism - 14 October, Birmingham 
  2. Pathological Demand Avoidance - 4 November, Cardiff 
  3. Autism and sensory integration in everyday life - November, Birmingham 


  • Understanding people on the autism spectrum - 7 October, Newcastle, 2 December, London
  • Sensory considerations - 19 November, London 
  • Learning to wee & poo in the right place – continence problems in children with autism - October, London • 3 December, Leeds 
  • Social Stories 10.2 workshop with Carol Gray - 26 November, Manchester 

A Study of Family Involvement in Case Reviews: Messages for Policy and Practice - UK

BASPCAN commissioned a study of family involvement in the inter-agency reviews that occur when a child has died or been seriously injured as a result of abuse or neglect. This study was launched in 2012 by BASPCAN and University of Nottingham.  

As the United Kingdom's leading organisation for child protection professionals from a wide range of disciplines, BASPCAN Trustees were concerned that, despite policy imperatives, involving families in case reviews has been largely absent, inconsistent or tokenistic.  

This study, carried out by leaders in the field, involved families, practitioners, academics and policymakers and will have practical importance to those commissioning and conducting reviews, as well as those currently considering their future form and function. 

The Study is available as a wire bound copy at the special rate of £15 inc p & p.  

or as a download at a cost of £10.00 – go to 

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contrasting responses to diversity: school placement trends 2007-2013 for all local authorities in England (2014)- report

csie3This report presents school placement trends (i.e. the proportion of children placed in special schools or other separate settings) from 2007 to 2013 for each local authority in England.

It reveals huge variation in the proportion of children regularly sent to special schools by each local authority. These differences bear no simple relation to the size of a local authority or its social or geographical characteristics.

This information can help parents and professionals in negotiating children's school placements and can support the efforts of those who want to lobby for change. 


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