Jason and the National Autistic Society (UK) Befriending Scheme: He tells his story here
Jason recalls, 'I used to have an out and about group, and another group, the monthly Newham Asperger outing group, which I was attending, but I stopped because I felt a little bit scared of loud people in the group. I feel a little bit scared of loud people.
'I first found out about the befriending scheme from a leaflet. I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and I wanted somebody to support me when I go to different places in London, when I go to different museums and galleries. That's why I wanted a befriender. I contacted The National Autistic Society and said: 'You run a befriending scheme and I have Asperger syndrome. Would someone be able to match me with a befriender?'
'I applied to the befriending scheme and [was] matched up with Libby, which was in 2006. When I went for the meeting at The National Autistic Society office I was unsure - I wanted to try it but I was a bit scared. But after I had a few sessions then I wanted to continue. I was happy with the first sessions.
'My first outing with Libby was in April 2006....'
Read what happened here: http://www.autism.org.uk/e%20newsletters/august-2014/jason-and-libby.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=The+National+Autistic+Society&utm_campaign=4523460_August+2014+eNewsletter&dm_i=YA3,2OYBO,6VPKIR,9TYAE,1