Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Professional conference, 1-2 March 2016, Telford International Centre, UK - book now to receive early bird discount!

Professional conference, 1-2 March 2016, Telford International Centre

This is the biggest event in our calendar. Last year over 650 professionals attended this event, and we hope that this year you will join us as well.

Book now to benefit from our early bird offer.


Upcoming NAS training courses and conferences:


Autism and sport: one-day theory and practical combined one-day course

15 September   York
22 September   London
31 October        Sheffield

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to autism, focusing on the delivery of sport. It will help delegates to recognise and understand the key areas of difference in autism, as well as looking at supportive strategies in practical situations in order to reduce the difficulties experienced by participants and session leaders.


Dr Wenn Lawson – Autism, communication and sensory workshop

24 September, London

This one-day workshop will explore communication and sensory differences in depth, using available research, personal stories and anecdotes, video and practical hands on examples. The presentation will be non-technical (but will utilise technology), down-to-earth - and fun!


Understanding and supporting children with PDA one-day course

29 September, Glasgow

18 November, London

Delivered by Phil Christie from the Elizabeth Newson Centre, the course aims to develop a clearer understanding of PDA and its relationship to autism spectrum disorder. The session will focus on developing an understanding of developmental pathways and educational management of some of the more complex children within the autism spectrum, particularly those who fit the profile of PDA.


Child Bereavement UK release dates for their 2015/2016 bereavement training workshops

cbukChild Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.

Our vision is for all families to have the support they need to rebuild their lives. Last year we trained over 6000 professionals.

Our courses are delivered by skilled facilitators, combining subject knowledge and facilitation expertise, with extensive experience of working in their particular field of bereavement.

For full details of our training, consultancy and support service click here:


Helping disabled children and teenagers to sleep – 2-day workshop with Julie Sutton, Birmingham, UK, February 2015

sleepThe workshop provides a sound knowledge of sleep theory and equips professionals with the specialist skills to support families of disabled children. The topics to be covered are:

Mechanisms of typical sleep, for example sleep phases and cycle.

Different categories of sleep disorder commonly seen in disabled children.

Partnership working with families of disabled children.

How complex health needs associated with disabled children impact on sleep.

Understanding the role of medication in tackling sleep disturbance.

Preventing sleep problems and developing positive sleep habits.

Assessing sleep problems using diaries and questionnaires.

Understanding how different strategies for change work and knowing how to apply them.


The training is specifically designed for frontline professionals who work with families of disabled children including health visitors, community children's nurses, school nurses and psychologists. This is an opportunity to gain practical skills and develop best practice in sleep work with these families.


This Interconnections training uses the Handsel training materials and was developed with Julie Sutton who joined the Handsel Sleep Initiative in 2008 with the specific role of developing and delivering sleep practitioner training.


She is a learning disability nurse specialising in working with families of children with families of children with disabilities and is an experienced trainer. Her experience includes five years as a Community Sister for children with learning disabilities.


This training has moved from Handsel Project to Interconnections.


The cost is £335 per person to include lunches and refreshments.


The venue is ETC Venue Maple House, 150 Corporation Street, Birmingham B4 6TB. Tel: 0121 212 8200.


There is easy access to two airports for delegates coming from other countries. The course is in English. We do not provide accommodation.


Venue website:


The dates are 9th and 10th February 2016.


For a booking form please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The history of our sleep initiative is here:


Bereavement and Loss, 2-day course in Scotland with a focus on people with PMLD, November 2015

This is a two day course on supporting bereaved people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) and their parents/carers

This course is highly participative and will have a mix of tutor input and experiential learning. It will also have opportunities for participants to be involved in reflective practice.

It can be used for CPD purposes – i.e. SVQ, HNC, PRTL, CLPLO and post-grad. This course will count as 12 hours CPD time.

Themes will include: Theories of Grief; what is PMLD? Understanding the effects of Bereavement; Supporting Bereaved People with PMLD; Rituals and Practices; and more.

Course evaluation will be undertaken with the use of pre and post-course questionnaires.

Course participants will:


gain an understanding of how bereavement and loss affects people with PMLD gain an understanding of how

bereavement and loss affects family carers who have cared for a person with PMLD feel more confident in working with

people who have experienced bereavement a

have more knowledge of the theories of bereavement and loss

develop practical skills to work with people who have experienced bereavement and loss


23rd and 24th November at University of Dundee

Contact Sandra Strathie for further information – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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